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aka-san_to_kyuuketsuki alcot_honeycomb breast_hold breasts game_cg kuwashima_rein maid no_bra open_shirt

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welljohngoethe said:
What? Why? What did she do??
Kiminobokuwa said:
What? Why? What did she do??
I don't know man. Though if you look at this guy's comment history he has only posted 3 nonsensical comments since the creation of the account 2 days ago. This leads me to believe that this is either just a troll or just some clueless person who stumbled upon this site.
Kiminobokuwa said:
What? Why? What did she do??
Look at the user's profile: just some random new user doing nothing apart from writing three comments, and two of them are spam.

Anyways, already flagged those spam comments for deletion.
moonian said:
Anyways, already flagged those spam comments for deletion.
Not sure anyone really checks that queue.
first time I see this (excluding real life) EVER
and I have to say... I love it!!
I love her face, I can´t really exprese what this pic makes me feel