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akiyama_mio dress hirasawa_ui hirasawa_yui k-on! kadowaki_miku kotobuki_tsumugi nakano_azusa pantyhose suzuki_jun tainaka_ritsu

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What? A new official artwork? But… what for??? They won’t adapt the spin-off mangas, will they? o__O
Trit said:
What? A new official artwork? But… what for??? They won’t adapt the spin-off mangas, will they? o__O
I hope they can launch a sequel to the anime
ktsky said:
I hope they can launch a sequel to the anime
Do you mean a THIRD season?
blooregardo said:
But the BD-BOX of Season 1 and 2 was already sold in 2014...A new BD-BOX(or BD-BOXs) just 2 year after?