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This post has child posts. (post #353986, 384162)

cleavage fixed golden_darkness kotegawa_yui lala_satalin_deviluke momioka_risa pantsu sairenji_haruna seifuku thighhighs to_love_ru to_love_ru_darkness yabuki_kentarou

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When the image is misaligned just cut one side and re-align them. Do NOT do free transform on the whole right part which make them very blurry (as we can see here). You should always keep free transform to a minimum (in terms of times and areas), and if possible use higher version of PS (starting from CS6 you can choose re-sampling method for free transform).

Same goes to post #361995, post #362227, post #362224, post #354233, post #362230 (just for the record)
What are the chance there are people that can help me with this. This train had long departed but this artbook, it came with a special feature to mimic Rito x ray glasses where you can scan a qr code with an app and the camera will show the naked version of the illustration.

My question is how many of the illustrations in this book that can be used with with the feature?
Is there any way to get the full archive of the pairing illustration?(the original and their counterpart)?

And it seems the app that is used to scan the qr code doesnt list this artbook promo in their app anymore, meaning the promo ended so there's no way to get them.

Edit; some wording.
blooregardo said:
Hmmm, that's interesting
i wonder if i can post this on the forum