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« Previous Next » This post is #65 in the Yabuki Kentarou - To Love-Ru Darkness Artbook - Harem Gold pool.
over 8 years agoSame goes to post #361995, post #362227, post #362224, post #354233, post #362230 (just for the record)
over 4 years agoMy question is how many of the illustrations in this book that can be used with with the feature?
Is there any way to get the full archive of the pairing illustration?(the original and their counterpart)?
And it seems the app that is used to scan the qr code doesnt list this artbook promo in their app anymore, meaning the promo ended so there's no way to get them.
Edit; some wording.
over 4 years agococonuts
over 4 years ago