
breast_hold kitsune sengoku_bushouki_muramasa

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I would say let it stay, for the completeness of this book.. It's only 1 image.
I'm only leaving it here for completeness sake.
Maybe just set it NOT to be shown in index (just like those text ones)?
Only do that if it's in a Pool
Radioactive said:
Only do that if it's in a Pool
The image (and others uploaded at the same time) is definitely come from some magazine.

Just hope drop can provide the magazine's title so that they can be added to a pool...
I won't bother to be honest. It's relatively easy to find the magazine name, but is it really worth pooling? There are only a few of pages of them.
fireattack said:
I won't bother to be honest. It's relatively easy to find the magazine name, but is it really worth pooling? There are only a few of pages of them.
Radioactive said:
16 pages is quite a lot.
And the page number is 114, which means this collection of sengoku bushouki muramasa is just a little part of the whole magazine.
I have a strong dislike to the real rules not being written down. The terms of service are clearly written, and should either be followed or changed. Whether the "well, it's OK for completion if it's in a pool even though it's not really in a pool" exception applies to the other "prohibited" content is something that should be spelled out clearly.

And while I don't particularly care about this image, if this is going to be allowed to stay, there should be a furry tag so it's clearly marked and people have the option to blacklist it and future applications of the same exception.
We 10s of thousands of images here and we have, what, 1 furry image? Fairly low on my list of things to worry about.
Radioactive said:
We 10s of thousands of images here and we have, what, 1 furry image? Fairly low on my list of things to worry about.
true. i think it would be really disappointing not to have the entire artbook on the site. i mean, whats the point of taking off 1 or 2 images from the entire pool just because it makes u offended. theres so much really atrocious and actually offensive pictures here with extreme content violence pedophilia monsters sexism etc actually most of the r:q and r:e are pure objectification of women and kids i think deleting 1 picture from a pool because its a furry is kinda ridiculous and hypocrite. these rules arent laws, they are just guidelines so the site doesnt lose its focus/purpose. -in my opinion- of course.

well if furries bother u so much go ahead and create and maintain the tag i guess. who knows in the next years it might happen again. life is full of wonders.
Debbie said:
well if furries bother u so much go ahead and create and maintain the tag i guess. who knows in the next years it might happen again. life is full of wonders.
No new general tags.
oh. really... well everyone get over it then.