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alphonse_elric armor cap fullmetal_alchemist male photoshop

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This is a panorama I created using footage from Crunchyroll's streaming. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was released there this October, and I didn't see a vector of this image anywhere. This is why the smoke has sudden lines and breaks in it, where the smoke moved but the character did not between each shot taken. It is a total of four screenshots, arranged in photo editing down to the pixel. The character, at least, is perfectly portrayed, but I couldn't do anything about the smoke...
max7238 said:
This is a panorama I created using footage from Crunchyroll's streaming. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was released there this October, and I didn't see a vector of this image anywhere. This is why the smoke has sudden lines and breaks in it, where the smoke moved but the character did not between each shot taken. It is a total of four screenshots, arranged in photo editing down to the pixel. The character, at least, is perfectly portrayed, but I couldn't do anything about the smoke...
is awesome anyway
max7238 said:
This is a panorama I created using footage from Crunchyroll's streaming. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was released there this October, and I didn't see a vector of this image anywhere. This is why the smoke has sudden lines and breaks in it, where the smoke moved but the character did not between each shot taken. It is a total of four screenshots, arranged in photo editing down to the pixel. The character, at least, is perfectly portrayed, but I couldn't do anything about the smoke...
Idk what programs you used, but if you're unhappy with it, you can always try re-stitching the different portions using ICE (image composite editor), usually does a pretty damn good job of reading the image and balancing the colors to prevent lines like that. And then anything left over you can just tweak with some spot and blur tools in photoshop.
I'm not completely sure this site is for screenshots, or even stitches, and pretty sure a damn low quality streaming isn't the perfect material; if you're doing that kind of thing anyway at least use proper quality.
TheUnspoken said:
I'm not completely sure this site is for screenshots
For having seen a certain amount of them deleted before, I’m pretty sure that screenshots are not allowed here. Can you confirm, Radioactive?
I would say that edited caps aren't what we need here, but I think the same about traced vectors. It's not my site, so its Checkmates decision.