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Delete flag makes no sense. I'm having no trouble whatsoever, viewing this in Firefox

Moreover, is this actually a legit reason to flag a post for delete?
Randomuser said:
Delete flag makes no sense. I'm having no trouble whatsoever, viewing this in Firefox

Moreover, is this actually a legit reason to flag a post for delete?
Looks like displaying the image in its original size will give you a white/blank page from time to time. CTRL+F5 to flush the brower's cache can workaround the problem (but not permanently though).
moonian said:
Looks like displaying the image in its original size will give you a white/blank page from time to time. CTRL+F5 to flush the brower's cache can workaround the problem (but not permanently though).
Okay then. Maybe my choice of wording wasn't really good, to express my view on the issue.

Still, I find it kinda odd: to flag a post, for such a reason
The image is indeed corrupted; but so is the raw. I will leave it here since it's still possible to show it correctly with some software (like Chrome, XnView MP, etc.).
Hmm..I don't have any problems viewing the image in it's original size. Let me try deleting it and re-uploading it again.
Mr_GT said:
Let me try deleting it and reuploading it again.
Won't do anything, the original file is corrupted
I meant double deleting it and re-uploading, but if the original file itself is corrupted then there's no point in doing that.
fireattack said:
The image is indeed corrupted; but so is the raw. I will leave it here since it's still possible to show it correctly with some software (like Chrome, XnView MP, etc.).
Thanks for looking into this – not much we can do indeed if the original is also corrupted.
It shows up fine for me in Firefox (v 52.4.1, 32-bit)
Kawaiideath said:
It shows up fine for me in Firefox (v 52.4.1, 32-bit)
Not sure if they've changed the image rendering algorithm in newer version(s), then.