This post has a child post. (post #417706)

akiba_hideki loli naked nipples pokemon pokemon_sm pokemon_usum pussy suiren_(pokemon) uncensored

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It's not "loli" this is pedophile.
It IS loli though, by all definition. A beautiful loli at that.
Or do you mean to say that this little girl is a pedophile? How does that work?
TheUnspoken said:
It IS loli though, by all definition. A beautiful loli at that.
Or do you mean to say that this little girl is a pedophile? How does that work?
She is too much little
No such thing as too little.
It's true that this is closer to the definition of 'loli' as per the dictionary definition than a lot of other works on this site under the same tag.

Hence I've been thinking for years that there should be more distincition made between body types. Not just on this site but in the 'anime community' as whole. Just 'loli' -> 'bishoujo' doesn't really cut it imo.
there should be seperated tags of loli somehow, i personally don't like that type of loli pictures thats too extreme. i don't like loli generally, but damn it's hard to find some small breats or flat chest that is not loli.... (good ones) so sometimes i need to peek into the loli tag but damn stuff like this is the last thing i want to see...
*voting for diffrent types of loli tags*
Loli i usually think it's more toward years closer to 10 rather than 1-2. This is a baby xD
drfeelgood said:
there should be seperated tags of loli somehow, i personally don't like that type of loli pictures thats too extreme. i don't like loli generally, but damn it's hard to find some small breats or flat chest that is not loli.... (good ones) so sometimes i need to peek into the loli tag but damn stuff like this is the last thing i want to see...
*voting for diffrent types of loli tags*
As said previously, the loli tag in this site is used for blacklisting non-safe loli images.

And this site doesn't (and won't) have tags that indicate the sizes of chests.
jartsi said:
Loli i usually think it's more toward years closer to 10 rather than 1-2. This is a baby xD
This looks like ~8 years old, certainly not 1-2, or even 4-5, so clearly out of toddler. Just because you prefer women with breasts unrealistically huge, you don't have to false flag a typical middle-range loli. Because this is a shining example of a loli, not a borderline teenager.
TheUnspoken said:
This looks like ~8 years old, certainly not 1-2, or even 4-5, so clearly out of toddler.
You're delusional if you think this child is 8. I work with children at a daycare, and this is obviously in the range of 3-5.
IIRC, pics have been removed in the past when the loli tag applied, and the girl was really young. I would have thought that the girl in this post and its child post would be young enough to fall in the area where they'd be removed, but that's up to the mods.
highaimer08 said:
You're delusional if you think this child is 8. I work with children at a daycare, and this is obviously in the range of 3-5.
You're the delusional one, holy shit. It's just anime style typical 8-ish year old.
And definitely not toddler, so no reason to remove it, Mr anti-lolicons.