
« Previous Next » This post is #2 in the Megami #215 2018-04 pool.

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Do you have any idea when the other Megami pics from April 2018 issue will be posted, I am really anxious to see them and save them when I saw the preview on Twitter? It says Megami released today.
No request please. From my experience, this kind of comment is the most annoying one to contributors, no matter how polite you put it.

They will be uploaded once the uploaders feel like, just wait. They don't owe you anything
Sorry about that I am new here, and I use another image board most of the time and on that imageboard if you ask for something they automatically post it within three minutes, I now realize that this site is not like the other site I use. You have my sincerest apologies, for my ignorance.
yukimahime said:
Unless the image board you mentioned has a very advanced image upload AI bot that can read real persons' requests, that's probably NOT "automatic", i.e. that's just someone happened to have the images you requested for in hand and uploaded them for you.