This post has a child post. (post #56222)

itsuwa kagome toaru_majutsu_no_index traumatize

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Very nice find, Van. A great image with a cute girl in a Cityscape. ^^

Now I wonder who this is (the artist).
Glad you like it aoie emesai. Thanks to vita and petopeto for the site and tags.
van said:
Glad you like it aoie emesai. Thanks to vita and petopeto for the site and tags.
Opps... didn't mean to tag your post for deletion. Meant to quote you.

Oh it was her? It didn't look familiar with me. w/e ^^
according to the pixiv page, the artist is a he
As I know(if I'm wrong, correct me.),
male: Sca-ji, Moto4, Tsukinon, Suzuri, Kagome
female: Korie_riko, Inugami_kira, Mizusawa_Mimori, karory
In any case, I can't distinguish their works ;_;