
« Previous Next » This post is #3 in the Megami #227 2019-04 pool.

dress gym_uniform hoshino_miyako_(wataten) kikuchi_masayoshi seifuku shirosaki_hana sweater watashi_ni_tenshi_ga_maiorita!

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I can't imagine what would happen here if this was a R-18 anime
SyaoranLi said:
I can't imagine what would happen here if this was a R-18 anime
Good question xD
Maybe it wouldn't have been a snorefest.
But wouldn't have worked with the ugly designs (aside from Mya-nee's and her stalker)
SyaoranLi said:
I can't imagine what would happen here if this was a R-18 anime
They designed Miyako to female to avoid R-18 rating, some behavior is acceptable between female adult and lolis, but not between an male adult and lolis.