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moemoe encyclopedia visual fanbook series 2nd
Encyclopedia of goddess & fairies visual fan book
I second that :D

Heh.... that little fairy's hands are doing what? :P
Please wait...
I scanned much today...
maybe.. about 100pages :3
midzki said:
maybe.. about 100pages :3
how much time did it take?
maybe.. about 100pages :3
You should ask a friend of mine how it feels to scan over 1200 pages in a single day :P My own record is ~80 pages LOL, but then again I only owned a scanner for a short period.
hey midzki, you should get Dendrobium: Your scans are so quality and I think it's a book you and most of us would enjoy.
The time of scanning itself is less 1min/1page. but I have to do other things pre-scanning. for example, debind books, clean up every pages by hand, and adjust color levels each books.

MugiMugi said:
You should ask a friend of mine how it feels to scan over 1200 pages in a single day :P
I will never try :p

cheese said:
hey midzki, you should get Dendrobium: Your scans are so quality and I think it's a book you and most of us would enjoy.
looks great, I'll check it at melon next year.