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animal_ears bukkake censored cum extreme_content gangbang nipples penis pregnant riki sex

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If there are any more complaints I'll delete it. This one is pushing the boundaries here a bit too much.
Probably safer to delete it. I'll let admin2 make a decision whether it is worth undeleting.
Radioactive said:
If there are any more complaints I'll delete it.
What complaint? All I see is busaiku saying it was an over-the-top image (i.e. too extreme for his tastes).

Radioactive said:
Probably safer to delete it. I'll let admin2 make a decision whether it is worth undeleting.
Since when did censor specific pages scanned from an artbook because they weren't to the moderator's tastes? Though, not much to my liking either, I doubt this is any more objectionable then the 1000+ other hardcore images on moe, unless that is, you plan to purge all hentai-type images from moe.

I think it should stay, just for the sake that is is part of a set from a particular artist (can't remember the name offhand, but I think there is already an artist tag for this person on moe).
Cyberbeing said:
What complaint? All I see is busaiku saying it was an over-the-top image (i.e. too extreme for his tastes).

Since when did censor specific pages scanned from an artbook because they weren't to the moderator's tastes? Though, not much to my liking either, I doubt this is any more objectionable then the 1000+ other hardcore images on moe, unless that is, you plan to purge all hentai-type images from moe.

I think it should stay, just for the sake that is is part of a set from a particular artist (can't remember the name offhand, but I've see other scans from this person on moe).
I found the image to be disgusting but certainly not worth deletion. It contained only elements that are already accepted at Moe, "bukkake" and "pregnant". Whoop-dee-doo. I totally agree with Cyberbeing.
bunnygirl said:
I do find this situation hilariously ironic considering the previous "extreme" argument that took place recently, though.
I'm actually rather surprised you didn't try quoting the rules at me again.
I actually deleted that part of my comment, looks like I was too late. Oh well. Doesn't change the situation here.
Cyberbeing said:
Since when did censor specific pages scanned from an artbook because they weren't to the moderator's tastes? Though, not much to my liking either, I doubt this is any more objectionable then the 1000+ other hardcore images on moe, unless that is, you plan to purge all hentai-type images from moe.
I had a PM conversation with midzki who was OK for it to be deleted. It was a rather objectionable image, and I want further confirmation from admin2 before undeleting it. I'm not one for censorship, but it IS admin2s website.

I'm sure I would get the same criticism if I left the image here.

petopeto - What do you think?
Outside of quality issues, I don't have strong opinions about "acceptable content". Plenty of people will group much of the stuff I like into the same category as this image, so I feel hypocritical pushing against images on that criteria. (Probably the only general category I'd have objections to is scat.) I don't *like* the image, but my disinterest for it is about the same as for any "male" or "mecha" post.

That said, I'd suggest that as an individual image, this is borderline. The content is a bit er, what, but the art style isn't off. I'd suggest that it'd be fine if it was completing a pool--that it's not bad enough to leave a hole in a set. This set isn't being completed anyway, though, and I don't have any particular objections to deleting it.
Should Post #54184 (pigs) and Post #54180 (dwarves) also be deleted? They seem be on the same level as this one if not worse.
I've restored it. Don't complain if you find it offensive.
vistigris said:
Should Post #54184 (pigs) and Post #54180 (dwarves) also be deleted? They seem be on the same level as this one if not worse.
I hadn't seen those ones. Be a bit hypocritical of me to delete them now.
Radioactive said:
I hadn't seen those ones. Be a bit hypocritical of me to delete them now.
If images are going to be deleted, it should be consistent by either subject matter or possibly by artist.

It should be as simple as, it's against the rules, delete it OR it's allowed, keep it.

Not a rule for this type of image yet?
Make more defined allowed and disallowed rules. Just be consistent. The lack of consistency was my main objection.

It shouldn't be something that is up for debate every time someone sees something that, in their opinion, is somewhat objectionable.
It's not like we want to block bukkake, or even pregnancy (see post #36522). We aren't going to come up with a matrix of allowable combinations.

Content boundaries don't need to be strictly defined. It's inherently subjective, and it's perfectly normal to discuss boundary cases instead of just pointing blindly at a rule.
As has been mentioned previously the the ToS/site rules need to be updated. That'll have to be done by admin2.
Radioactive said:
I hadn't seen those ones. Be a bit hypocritical of me to delete them now.
The pig one involves bestiality, which is against the rules. Not only would deleting that image NOT be hypocritical, it's your duty as a moderator.
Bunnygirl, if you don't drop the fucking constant attitude, I'm going to consider banning you. I'm sick of it.
i´d rather have ero imouto back and put all h images there than read these kinds of discussions here....
petopeto said:
Bunnygirl, if you don't drop the fucking constant attitude, I'm going to consider banning you. I'm sick of it.
Talk about an abuse of power. I don't see why I have to sugarcoat anything for anyone; no one else here does, including you.
There's nothing wrong with discussing what we think content boundaries should be, and of course, you don't have to read it if you don't care.
The original reason I came to this board had nothing to do with image quality. The culture on Danbooru is strongly negative and abrasive. I'm not saying this to flame Danbooru--hey, it's their board; they can cultivate whatever kind of attitudes they like there; but I didn't like it, and things were, and are, much lighter here. That's why I came to this board in the first place.

Every other of your posts feels like a portal into the depths of what I wanted to avoid. Your posts regularly make me agitated and occasionally angry. It's an infectuous attitude, and you actively push this board towards something I don't want it to become.

Moderators shape a site, and if the only way I can slow this descent is by removing a user, then so be it. I don't even consider banning active, regular users lightly--the concept is almost as ugly to me as what I'm trying to prevent--but this is far from the first time I've thought about it. It's no knee-jerk reaction, and no trivial matter of disagreement, but rather that you persistantly and consciously lace everything with a thick unpleasantness that makes this board tangibly less enjoyable to use.
This image along with a few more that i've seen posted I think have pushed the limit of what I think this site should hold.
aoie_emesai said:
This image along with a few more that i've seen posted I think have pushed the limit of what I think this site should hold.
I don't think it's bad at all, you can handle it with exclussions though

Imho for example naruto pushes the limit way way way harder than this should.
Shuugo said:
I don't think it's bad at all, you can handle it with exclussions though

Imho for example naruto pushes the limit way way way harder than this should.
I'm more conservative ^^
Hence why I don't post a lot of tentacle scans. Because it pushes the limit. How difficult would it be to keep images like this away from the mainstream images? I don't know anything about building websites or coding but is it possible to segregate these from each other and have a link or tab to view with warnings about content and the like? Without rebuilding the site? Just tossing in an idea, maybe some one can come up with some thing better.
That's what blacklisting is for.
petopeto, if I'm really making that big of an impact on you, you need to get out more. I'm serious. You can't honestly expect every community you visit to have everyone prancing and singing in the fields together in harmony. It doesn't work that way. I'm a contributor to this image board, whether you like it or not; I'm not here to make enemies, but at the same time I don't give a shit if I do. In no way is that grounds for banning. I follow the rules, I upload images, I add/correct tags and have even made successful new ones, I've offered my help on multiple occasions, but you want to ban me because you don't like the way I word my comments (not that it matters, you'll always find what I say offensive no matter how I say it). Let's act like adults here.

I was a lurker on this board for some time, and it was clear to me then that this was no pleasantville. Granted, I did witness more realistic conversations than on Danbooru, but nothing like the "much lighter" concept you are trying to sell me. Being a moderator doesn't mean having to like every member and getting rid of the ones you don't. It means keeping the place in shape and keeping the other members in line. You've never once approached me in a formal manner. If you really wanted to make a good example, you would have PMed me discussing my attitude. That would have at least showed me that you wanted to be professional about it, and inturn gain my respect. Instead, you attempt to follow the same vein as the very posts that annoy you, calling me out in front of everyone stating that I'm "arrogant" and "obnoxious". This kind of behavior only suggests that what I'm doing is acceptable.
Wraith said:
Hence why I don't post a lot of tentacle scans.
Please upload them, I myself I'm interested. There are blacklists, people who don't like those images will learn to use them.
I've given you far more chances than you can reasonably have expected (I've had people wonder why I've given you so many), and your response is essentially: "I don't care and I won't change". Sorry, but you don't get to dictate to the people who run the site what they're allowed to do. Contributing to the site gives you leeway, not tenure. My not having blocked you before now has suggested that what you're doing is acceptable, and that may have been my error.
Shuugo said:
Please upload them, I myself I'm interested. There are blacklists, people who don't like those images will learn to use them.
I have 4 issues of that 2D Dreams magazine and had offered to scan and upload them here but I thought it might be pushing the limit. They are roughly 300 pages of mostly manga. Lately I have been busy with buying a house, moving, christmas, etc, etc so I've done little scanning. I don't think January will be any less busy. What I could do is scan a chapter at a time and post a link to a zip file if you'd like.
Wraith said:
I have 4 issues of that 2D Dreams magazine and had offered to scan and upload them here but I thought it might be pushing the limit. They are roughly 300 pages of mostly manga. Lately I have been busy with buying a house, moving, christmas, etc, etc so I've done little scanning. I don't think January will be any less busy. What I could do is scan a chapter at a time and post a link to a zip file if you'd like.
I'll be more than happy with that approach too
Just my 2cents as an admin.

With not deleting this image some would think that the site is now festering with crap and others may not. However petopeto implemented blacklists and the users should use it to filter out such images.

I appreciate the uploads that midzki and others have done and I only wish for the site to grow and continue to be a useful resource.

I will be creating a thread on the forum so we can discuss ways to please both sides of the crowd.
Shuugo said:
I'll be more than happy with that approach too
Ok, I'll see what I can do. I'll PM you with the link when I can.
Shuugo said:
Please upload them, I myself I'm interested. There are blacklists, people who don't like those images will learn to use them.
I blacklist nothing. Aoie don't believe in censorship ^^
Wraith said:
Ok, I'll see what I can do. I'll PM you with the link when I can.

aoie_emesai said:
I blacklist nothing. Aoie don't believe in censorship ^^
You could set a mental block then :D