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A few of these look like they are similar to that 2D Dreams artbook I made a zip file of a while back. I only posted a few of them here. These are a different size and look like they have been adjusted, they look more reddish in color than mine.
I thought they looked familiar. I can't find your scans on my HDD at the moment.
I can redo the zip if you want.
Wraith said:
A few of these look like they are similar to that 2D Dreams artbook I made a zip file of a while back. I only posted a few of them here.
Yeah. I did whole scanning 2D Dreams Magazine Illuatration Vol.1 (It's not a magazine, It's an artbook), but I stopped uploading the rests until settle down that argument.

Wraith said:
they look more reddish in color than mine.
those are scanned by my old color profile, so it's not accurate color.
but it's not too bad, isn't it?
No, not bad, just more red than mine. I have that same artbook you mention. I made a zip file of the entire book and made it available through a file sharing host like Mediafire. I started a 6 month subscription for the magazine to see what it was like. I may renew it when the sub is finished but we'll see when that day comes.