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ass bikini cropped elf emilia_(re_zero) feet gaou panty_pull photoshop pointy_ears re_zero_kara_hajimeru_isekai_seikatsu rem_(re_zero) swimsuits thong wet

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Is it ok to upload an image when it's sideways and isn't from some artbook? While rotating the image I thought it would be better to remove the white border too.
I also think it's better if the image is in vertical position and without the white borders, that have no purpose. But while your edit is welcomed, it wasn't entirely necessary, as people can rotate the image and remove the white borders themselves, as it's a simple thing to do; but, again, your work is welcomed, as everyone won't need to do it now (if they download it) and will be able to see it in its correct orientation on
That reason for deletion is not a valid reason; you just need to add the photoshop tag to the post (I just did).

BTW, is your source from Pixiv? If it is, the original file is a JPEG at 98% quality (= Photoshop's JPEG quality 12); when modifying the file, you should keep the original file type and quality; saving it as PNG won't enhance the quality.
Yes, it's from Pixiv. And I didn't want to enhance the quality, just didnt want to lose any. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for next time.
It's not just turned, it's cropped as well.
BattlequeenYume said:
It's not just turned, it's cropped as well.
cropped added.