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kantoku pantsu seifuku umbrella

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It's from E☆2 Vol.18, it's a poster.
cheese said:
It's from E☆2 Vol.18, it's a poster.
Thank you...but, What si E☆2? > <
oh I got it, a magazine.
尐桑 said:
Plz speak English here ,although I can understand what you're talking about.
Please don't tell people what language to use...
petopeto said:
Please don't tell people what language to use...
That means any language can be used here? =.=
fireattack said:
That means any language can be used here? =.=
I want to collect all about Kantoku
but to much
Many of his work belong to The Collection Book of The 5th Year which you can get rar from pireze who is scanner.

And on this site we also have four pools of his works; the other illustrations are not too many.
什么?it means ....what?
feoh3 said:
什么?it means ....what?
Means "what". ;-)