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« Previous Next » This post is #2 in the Dengeki Hime 2009-02 pool.
about 16 years ago-_-
I think I did this overcontrasted ... (sigh)
about 16 years agoZythus
about 16 years agoHoly shit, Canvas 3?
(Canvas fanboyism4lyfe.)
about 16 years ago
Shame I get the feeling Yusa will irriatate me greatly, I really dislike ojou-sama types and that's what she strikes me as the most ;_;
about 16 years agoI want to see Kiri here ;__; <3 I dun care if she's just a secondary char.
about 16 years agoAlso I hated Kiri, can't explain why, but I just can't stand her. Any other character was fine.
about 16 years agokyoushiro
about 16 years agoWriters of the Canvas2 anime seemed to try to make Elis look perfect and make Kiri look like a dumb. A COMPLOT! ;_;
about 16 years agoRadiosity
about 16 years agoShuugo
about 16 years agoI didn't like Kiri in the game either
about 16 years agoIs the Canvas game an eroge or is it more along the lines of Clannad?
about 16 years agoRadiosity
about 16 years agoZythus
about 16 years agoRadiosity
about 16 years agokyoushiro
about 16 years agoZythus
about 16 years agoRadiosity
about 16 years agoIf I want ero, I'll play the game or look at the cgs >_>
about 16 years agoAn-chan
about 16 years agokyoushiro
about 16 years agoasterixvader
about 16 years agolike 純情可憐なドジッ子美術教師 or ツンデレ前部長, i don't like the way they look (hope it copied something, asian languages aren't installed here.. the blondie and the one below her).
but this pic looks nice, the style reminds me of naru nanao's for canvas 2.
about 16 years agospoilerif I recall it right, they fail and awaken the monster in the dude's body