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asato_rina canvas_3 seifuku tanihara_natsuki

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retry dengeki-poster scan


I think I did this overcontrasted ... (sigh)
... a third Canvas series? :o
Wait WHAT?

Holy shit, Canvas 3?

(Canvas fanboyism4lyfe.)
This has been announced for AGES ;p And yes, new canvas game, comes out this year on 20th March, assuming it's not delayed for any reason. Also has a couple of VERY tasty girls (Rina featured here who is the main girl and the blonde Yusa). Anyway, getchu link here if you're interested:

Shame I get the feeling Yusa will irriatate me greatly, I really dislike ojou-sama types and that's what she strikes me as the most ;_;
Blondies in Canvas = fail. Elis is a perfect proof of that.

I want to see Kiri here ;__; <3 I dun care if she's just a secondary char.
kyoushiro said:
Blondies in Canvas = fail. Elis is a perfect proof of that.

I want to see Kiri here ;__; <3 I dun care if she's just a secondary char.
Canvas 3 do want.

Also I hated Kiri, can't explain why, but I just can't stand her. Any other character was fine.
Kiri? She failed more than anyone. I dislike short hair on a girl though so she was an instant failure anyway. So yeah, agree with Shuugo on that one ;p
She doesn't fail! D:<

Writers of the Canvas2 anime seemed to try to make Elis look perfect and make Kiri look like a dumb. A COMPLOT! ;_;
New Canvas looks awesome, can't wait. Yusa and Rina are pretty damn hot :3
kyoushiro said:
She doesn't fail! D:<

Writers of the Canvas2 anime seemed to try to make Elis look perfect and make Kiri look like a dumb. A COMPLOT! ;_;
I like Elis for looks, that's it though. My favourite was always Tomoko. She's awesome in the game too, though her voice wasn't as awesome as the anime version (was still good though and fit her personality well).
Radiosity said:
I like Elis for looks, that's it though. My favourite was always Tomoko. She's awesome in the game too, though her voice wasn't as awesome as the anime version (was still good though and fit her personality well).
I prefer Hagino, she was too cute D:

kyoushiro said:
She doesn't fail! D:<

Writers of the Canvas2 anime seemed to try to make Elis look perfect and make Kiri look like a dumb. A COMPLOT! ;_;
I didn't like Kiri in the game either
I prefer Elis over Kiri too, but then again I'm a fan of Kaori Nazuka so that might be a slight bias unrelated to the anime.

Is the Canvas game an eroge or is it more along the lines of Clannad?
happyguy said:
I prefer Elis over Kiri too, but then again I'm a fan of Kaori Nazuka so that might be a slight bias unrelated to the anime.

Is the Canvas game an eroge or is it more along the lines of Clannad?
There are both versions, iirc there's a dreamcast version (not too sure if it's canvas2), that would be worksafe, pc versions have both (at least for Canvas 2, I played the ero version on pc).
99% of these games have ero, very rarely you get non-ero stuff like Clannad, but mostly stuff has sex because it sells better. They often port to PS2 without the ero though because PS2 has a huge userbase and they're pretty much guaranteed good sales even without ero content.
I'm hoping this would get made into an anime.
It will. Canvas and Canvas 2 both got them, Canvas 3 will do as well :)
Yeah, but Canvas2 got all the ero cut off xD
kyoushiro said:
Yeah, but Canvas2 got all the ero cut off xD
..... as most of those adaptions to anime do, yes. Very few of them actually get ero anime, and the ones that do are generally crap ;p
If I want ero, I'll play the game or look at the cgs >_>
That Carnelian game got an ero anime (you know, the one that's kinda related to Yamibou and Touka Gettan) and IMO it's nice :3
Yeah, Kao no nai tsuki is a good ero anime, spoiler. Can't wait for Canvas3 though no more Nanao Naru, hope they make it into anime quick.
I also like spoiling things
for some reason, the characters of some of these games look simple, tipical, poorly worked, boring in the webpages.
like 純情可憐なドジッ子美術教師 or ツンデレ前部長, i don't like the way they look (hope it copied something, asian languages aren't installed here.. the blondie and the one below her).
but this pic looks nice, the style reminds me of naru nanao's for canvas 2.
Whoops. Didn't thought such minor content to be considered a spoiler there. My apologies then.

kyoushiro said: