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This post has a child post. (post #591862)

animal_ears ass bra breast_hold breasts bunny_ears cameltoe derauea erect_nipples iizuki_lilia jougasaki_rio kuromorihime_akira lecia midou_kaede milk_factory minase_maya misaki_konoka motto!_haramase!_honoo_no_oppai_chou_ero_appli_gakuen! no_bra nopan open_shirt pantsu pantyhose pasties saionji_nanako seifuku skirt_lift sonomiya_yukari thighhighs undressing yutani_hinata

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Someone failed to unhold the finite unheld daily limit of 30 posts and dump them all to the main index in one go instead.

And TBH, I don't think we need a whole library of the game CGs from one single game.
Well he did held them for at least 10+ days before the dump so you have to give him some credit. You know is there a time limt on how long an image can be held before something happens to it?
Mr_GT said:
Well he did held them for at least 10+ days before the dump so you have to give him some credit. You know is there a time limt on how long an image can be held before something happens to it?
Which means they just keep uploading held images, but not manually release some of the previously uploaded ones every day.
Point taken moonian. I feel like the hold function has lost its purpose even since Yandere allowed non-scan images to be posted on this site. Hold was once used for bulk uploads of scanned picture books and thing that took time to process so uploading every day wasn't always a thing. Now with Pixiv and other pictures, 30+ image within the hour is the norm.

Also holding a fuckton of image and slowly releasing them was a huge pain in the ass, let me tell you. Like a never-ending cycle of releasing a small image of images and stockpiling more under the hold function.
Mr_GT said:
Also holding a fuckton of image and slowly releasing them was a huge pain in the ass, let me tell you. Like a never-ending cycle of releasing a small image of images and stockpiling more under the hold function.
Very true indeed.