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This post has a child post. (post #700323)

hontani_kanae kin-iro_loveriche masturbation nipples no_bra nopan open_shirt pussy_juice saga_planets sylvia_le_cruzcrown_sortilege_sisua underboob yukata

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This post and its child were both incorrectly tagged with "fingering" ("fingering" self is covered by "masturbation" alone). And a user tagged this as "loli". Not keen, I looked at the child post only to find out it must have inherited both tags.

Ah, she must be loli in the original work, hence the uneven odds. edit/upd: nope, doesn't seem to have a reason to be "loli". I'll untag.

edit/upd: one more thing, I've looked under "find similar" for 2nd opinion, it listed a link to danbooru's deleted, unapproved post. Must be another of those situation where danbooru does have it but doesn't allow external links to current posts rated explicit.