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This post has a child post. (post #16963)

ass pantsu sakuraniku_umatarou seifuku skirt_lift

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I know this is an ancient post - but it says it's rating locked, and it's definitely not "safe" :)
Panty shot = safe by site's policy
bakaneko said:
I know this is an ancient post - but it says it's rating locked, and it's definitely not "safe" :)
When a rating or score is locked there's usually a good reason for it.
A lot of the older posts are rating locked, but it doesn't really do anything. There's enough of her ass exposed that I rated it questionable before...
(though admittedly I am more strict about ratings than most people)
Hum... I should go about doing too when i'm going through older post too.

*will remember
There are many functions imported from the original danbooru but we never use, such as rating lock, flag comment, member levels..
They exist but don't think they have any meaning for us.
I know howto:rate says "tasteful panty shots" are safe, but what does that really mean? I tend to be more conservative with my rating:s - going more along the lines of "work safe".

In this case, I think the ass tag would push to rating:q. Other cases that I've tended to push up to questionable are when the girl is lifting her skirt and blushing - at that point it starts to get erotic which falls out of "work safe".
Some images are much too borderline to safely rate it as one or the other. It's just best to use your upmost best decision here.

bakaneko said:

In this case, I think the ass tag would push to rating:q.
That tags ranges in safe to XXX, so it's entirelly too hard to do so to automatically set it as that.

post #119348 - This one is safe.
post #119397 - def not safe.
I want to have my own member title u.u

Like the donating members or anything.
kyoushiro said:
I want to have my own member title u.u

Like the donating members or anything.
??? What are you talking about?
aoie_emesai said:
??? What are you talking about?
I saw you mods were talking about the system's features, including titles for users and stuff, that aren't used.

I want a title >.<

Yeah, random comment but I felt like writing it. Don't bully me, Maya iincho ;_;u
like ? =3
if we can change our own name, we can have "name@titles" like pixiv users doing.
but maybe peto doesn't have any interest of adding this kind of function..
We did that for kicks and nothing of real importance.
kyoushiro said:
I thought 'idiot child we keep in the basement' was the title we used for you?
I prefer "Funny in the head" more ;__;
kyoushiro said:
I prefer "Funny in the head" more ;__;
It would have to be along the lines of 'MAI waifus!' It's your catchphrase.
... "mai"? :s

Oh well, I'll just wait :D
kyoushiro said:
I am not black :(

Didn't you get it?
I did.

But I don't like :(

I preferred when people used to relate me with that pedo doctor from Higurashi
kyoushiro said:
I preferred when people used to relate me with that pedo doctor from Higurashi
That's really saying something.