
animal_ears ass bra cameltoe chocola cleavage jpeg_artifacts maid neko_works nekomimi nekopara pantsu sayori shimapan tail thighhighs undressing vanilla

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Such a beautiful work of Chocola and Vanilla! Thanks for sharing.
Thorcsf said:
Such a beautiful work of Chocola and Vanilla! Thanks for sharing.
imo, its odd to get nekopara stuff that isnt nice to look at.
i wish nuts got more love though.
If you mean Sayori's works, I totally agree with you, she never does mediocre jobs. But I've seen NEKOPARA works from other artists that were not so good. But even amongst Sayori's works, there are some that catches your eyes more than others.

This one is for a B2 tapestry; I'd very much like to get my hands on one, but sadly they only sell as a bonus for the NEKOPARA anime Blu-Ray (very expensive), and in Japanese only, I think.

And don't complain about Nuts, haha; my favorite, Maple, receives less love than her. For example: Coconut has a 1/4 scale figure (as well as Chocola, Vanilla, and Azuki too):; while Maple (and Cinnamon) only has a 1/12: I'd very much like a Maple figure of a decent size (1/7 at least), but there isn't one yet. :/