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armor kokonobi stick_poster

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Man, I'm going through older images, and there's a whole boatload of nice, pleasant, high-quality images with multiple -1 votes. It's as if a few people went through the images six months ago or so and voted down everything that didn't fit their particular taste.

Seems a lot less common in more recent images, though.
Can you give me a link to a few of these images?
This post is one: four favorites, score 2 before I voted it to 3. I saw some that had -3 or -4 less than their favorite-count "base" vote, which means at least that many -1 votes (more if it has any +1 votes--if it has three or four favorites, it probably has some +1 votes, too).

If I see some more when I'm going through more older pics later today, I'll note them.
It wouldn't surprise me if it was a 'feature' There are some strange things going on with the older images...

If you see any with -2 or less, let me know.
I don't think that the older images have gotten -1 votes. It just seems that the favorites for them did not increase the score. Seen some that had as many as 8 people having favorited it and the score was 0. Guessing the system got upgraded sometime and the votes didn't carry over or something.
There's lots of good images that have bad rating and i'm not sure about that.
True. If you search order:score, a lot of those with low scores are bad scans, but there are some good images with negative scores.
but there are some good images with negative scores.
Depends on what you define as a 'good image' but could you link me to some of these please?
post #10063
post #6184
post #15322
post #898
post #2818
post #2820

Those are just some that I saw. Last 2 have favorites, yet have a negative score.
vistigris said:
post #10063
post #6184
post #15322
post #898
post #2818
post #2820

Those are just some that I saw. Last 2 have favorites, yet have a negative score.
None of those deserve a negative score. Someone has been mucking around with the scores.
Negative scores doesn't do anything anymore. Before there used to be a score blacklist where you can set if a post's score is too low it'll not show to users but that was removed ages ago.
Are those nekomimis or just a ribbon? i don't see her tail.
Radioactive said:
Just a headdress?
You're probably right. Then it added a cat ear shape to it too.