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about 17 years agoSeems a lot less common in more recent images, though.
about 17 years agopetopeto
about 17 years agoIf I see some more when I'm going through more older pics later today, I'll note them.
about 17 years agoIf you see any with -2 or less, let me know.
about 17 years agoaoie emesai
about 17 years agovistigris
about 17 years agoRadioactive
about 17 years agovistigris
about 17 years agopost #6184
post #15322
post #898
post #2818
post #2820
Those are just some that I saw. Last 2 have favorites, yet have a negative score.
about 17 years agoadmin2
about 17 years agoasterixvader
over 16 years agoRadioactive
over 16 years agoaoie emesai
over 16 years ago