This post has a child post. (post #36626)

asagiri_kazusa fixed jpeg_artifacts maid moekan pantyhose sca-ji sword

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block noises of jpeg compression exist on chrominanse channels.
changing workspace into YCrCb then noise reduction might work :)
midzki said:
block noises of jpeg compression exist on chrominanse channels.
changing workspace into YCrCb then noise reduction might work :)
I am new to neatimage. Didn't even notice the advanced mode option...
It does work better after filtering out the Cr noise.
castle said:
I am new to neatimage. Didn't even notice the advanced mode option...
It does work better after filtering out the Cr noise.
Personally I think neatimage is simpler to use and it produces basically the same result as noiseninja.
Component viewer is most reliable tool on neat image. always use it :)