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« Previous Next » This post is #10 in the Megami #248 2021-01 pool.

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I like the pose, but I can't believe they made such a poorly detailed illustration for a magazine...

I'll just leave this here.

Actually there have been even better examples, but this one has remained the most memorable for some reason.
Yeah, I know about those "QUALITY" illustrations, but at least they tried, this doesn't look grotesque, but they didn't even try here, it lacks any kind of details.
This one isn't too bad, but I do feel they stopped giving a fuck about these posters around.. 5 years ago? There was definitely a quality drop at some point.
I was flipping through some old copies of Megami recently and honestly they've always been very hit or miss, but in recent years it all has a strong "just going through the motions" vibe to it. Every once in a while one still catches the eye though.
Xcalibur said:
I was flipping through some old copies of Megami recently and honestly they've always been very hit or miss, but in recent years it all has a strong "just going through the motions" vibe to it. Every once in a while one still catches the eye though.
And they for some reason even didn't have time (?) to add a background for some of them in this issue:
Yeah the lack of background is definitely one of my concern.
Wow, yeah, when you look at the whole pool it's obvious. Maybe the backgrounds are drawn by a different person and they had deadline issues?
Xcalibur said:
Wow, yeah, when you look at the whole pool it's obvious. Maybe the backgrounds are drawn by a different person and they had deadline issues?
Very likely!