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amashiro_natsuki animal_ears breast_hold loli nekoha_shizuku nekomimi no_bra pantsu tail

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This is a paid work, please hide
弱受猫 said:
This is a paid work, please hide
I don't recall we have such practice in this site.
moonian said:
I don't recall we have such practice in this site.
But is that even legal?
Marona762 said:
But is that even legal?
Obviously, nope
Marona762 said:
But is that even legal?
Obviously it's legal because the person who uploaded it has already paid for it,He or she has the right to upload the work to
kulipator said:
Obviously it's legal because the person who uploaded it has already paid for it,He or she has the right to upload the work to
Doesn't upload it to a public site counts a re-distribution tho? wouldn't that go against most type of content licenses ? especially considered that, having seen the artist PixV page, this is an original character (aka is creation + propriety)
Marona762 said:
But is that even legal?
All I can say is: if you want to strictly follow copyright rules, than most (if not all) of the images in any *booru-like sites have to be removed, unless that work itself is published with a free license (but I haven't seen any with such licenses so far). That's all.
moonian said:
All I can say is: if you want to strictly follow copyright rules, than most (if not all) of the images in any *booru-like sites have to be removed, unless that work itself is published with a free license (but I haven't seen any with such licenses so far). That's all.
Yes, exactly, and to avoid legal problems I think you should consider at the very least removing the images if the original artist ask for it (no idea if the guy above is the official artist), I wouldn't risk the entire site just to not remove 1 image (yes it's a slippery slope who knows how many more could follow but what else you can do when you operate on a grey area?).

I mean what if the guy has money & time and actually goes after the site legally speaking?

Then again, the site is not mine so I don't really risk anything myself other than losing my favorite anime image board site.
Marona762 said:
Yes, exactly, and to avoid legal problems I think you should consider at the very least removing the images if the original artist ask for it (no idea if the guy above is the official artist), I wouldn't risk the entire site just to not remove 1 image (yes it's a slippery slope who knows how many more could follow but what else you can do when you operate on a grey area?).
I believe the "removal upon author's request" you mentioned is what this site (and maybe some others such as Danbooru) has been doing - that's why we have this banned_artist tag here.
moonian said:
All I can say is: if you want to strictly follow copyright rules, than most (if not all) of the images in any *booru-like sites have to be removed, unless that work itself is published with a free license (but I haven't seen any with such licenses so far). That's all.
Agree. The site its self is a grey area.