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you end up spamming the index
Arsy said:
I used the batch upload script,I don't know if this is allowed.
Wish I could figure out how to use the batch upload function.

Edit: Hold is a tag command to use when you posted an artist's entire gallery.
I'm sorry for that. I'll upload the rest of the series and close "Shown in index" to avoid confusion.
Arsy said:
howto:hold is your solution.
It is useful,But I still don’t want them to be displayed on the index.
kulipator said:
I'm sorry for that. I'll upload the rest of the series and close "Shown in index" to avoid confusion.
It is useful,But I still don’t want them to be displayed on the index.
Please also pool these images if they are from the same book/CG collection instead of separate releases.
moonian said:
Please also pool these images if they are from the same book/CG collection instead of separate releases.
The artist only has a collection of wlop comics. His illustrations are published separately. Some users upload a lot of upscaled images, which makes me confused. I have to request to delete those images every time.