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anal anus ass cum gangbang jsp loli penis photoshop pussy thighhighs uncensored

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They are definitely doing it wrong.
So loli gangbang is extreme content now? Whut, someone has weird ideas of what constitutes extreme.
I dunno, it's pretty nasty. Too many cocks in too little space.
I don't consider this to be in the same league as stuff like tentacle rape or guro though, those are definitely extreme content, but this? Nope, don't see it personally.
It is a pretty worthless tag.
Radioactive said:
It is a pretty worthless tag.
Worthless you say? Someone call Boss Aurelia - The Tag Destroyer!
I think the basic definition of the tag is "stuff that's blacklisted by default, but isn't common enough to have its own default blacklist".

"Double anal" is pretty silly, but no reason to hide it (aside from the loli/e blacklist, which is separate).
'Sup. U.S.S Tag Destroyer reporting in.

Anyways, I'd personally like to keep the extreme_content tag as kind of a catch-all for the most violent/sexual images. Someone poke aoie to finally write the wiki entry.
Sowwie i've been missing for 2.5 days. Storm blew in, had packet loss then total internet loss.

yeah, i'll think of something... ^^
aoie_emesai said:
yeah, i'll think of something... ^^
Don't forget to look at the definition in the terms_of_service
Radioactive said:
Don't forget to look at the definition in the terms_of_service
I was wondering if I can just use that but I didn't think the TOS defined it good enough...

well... time to ponder more.
Varion said:
I dunno, it's pretty nasty. Too many cocks in too little space.
totally agree.