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cropped harukaze_setsuna nagase_sayaka soul_link thighhighs tinkle uniform

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This is my first upload so if I did something wrong don't eat me, okay. Not sure if I've yet understood this site perfectly
Don't worry, we don't abuse people (too much)
Haha this is pretty good :D
You made a nice start :3~
Welcome to Moe Imouto ^_^
(Not that I'm very senior lol)
Your avatar is delightful o3o
Senior? What's that? lolwut

*in before serious answer*

Welcome btw
Thanks :3
I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay here
Senior is like... Advanced level...
Omg I can't believe you didn't know that word before. D: Sorry... I thought it was a common word... *noob English*
You are welcome Azarel. Yes you will, this site is fantastic and people are very nice. ^_^
Debbie said:
Yes you will, this site is fantastic and people are very nice. ^_^
i was gonna say that.
Debbie said:
Senior is like... Advanced level...
*IN after serious answer*

I thought I was obvious.
... Not really D:
I didn't understand, and I still don't understand, sorry ;_;
My understanding skills are quite... low.

... And yes this picture is soo cute. :D *hugs girl*
senior means someone like kyoushiro & aoie I think.
welcome Azarel, I'm also a junior =D
And I'm junior, too...

And for this picture, do you guys think it's up side down?
I have made this picture as my wallpaper before, and I think the original one looks better.
btw, where do you think the girl in? A spaceship?
Space Station. A very badly designed one. I'd suggest watching the anime but I'm not that cruel.
midzki said:
welcome Azarel, I'm also a junior =D
... Not really. :D