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« Previous Next » This post is #10 in the Megami #260 2022-01 pool.
over 3 years agoEw
over 3 years agoArknovalisk
over 3 years agoeugen
over 3 years agoNot only is she popular, but her relationship with Shinei is the best part of the second season (and equivalent novel). She's also important as the single person who could possibly shut Legion down, and a prime target of assassination by said Legion for that very reason. Maybe try thinking a little before talking out of your ass. Or are you just pissed because you wanted a Lena pinup instead?
Me, I appreciate when Megami does one for a side-character, since side-characters don't usually get much exposure (lol) in the show.
over 3 years agoNobody wants to see sensual little girls from that these days. That's the truth.
over 3 years agoArknovalisk
over 3 years agoAnime industry stopped catering to lolicons, and in response, lolicons stopped caring about anime. So an illustration like this is, to get back at my initial point, pretty far from being a brilliant idea.
over 3 years ago2zelhaze3
over 3 years agoArknovalisk
over 3 years agoTrit
over 3 years ago