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86_-eighty_six- dress_shirt feet frederica_rosenfort loli no_bra open_shirt sugio_yuuichi

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Making illustration of a girl literally less than 1% of the target audience wants to see, and more than 90% of the audience finds outright distasteful or disgusting is not exactly a bright idea.
Arknovalisk said:
Making illustration of a girl literally less than 1% of the target audience wants to see, and more than 90% of the audience finds outright distasteful or disgusting is not exactly a bright idea.
I've yet to hear of a person whose sole reason of watching this shitty anime isnt this loveable character.
She is a side character and hardly anyone cares about her honestly.
Arknovalisk said:
Making illustration of a girl literally less than 1% of the target audience wants to see, and more than 90% of the audience finds outright distasteful or disgusting is not exactly a bright idea.
Less than 1% of the target audience wants to see and more than 90% of the audience finds outright distasteful or disgusting? Are you on crack? That's no untrue it's almost funny.

Not only is she popular, but her relationship with Shinei is the best part of the second season (and equivalent novel). She's also important as the single person who could possibly shut Legion down, and a prime target of assassination by said Legion for that very reason. Maybe try thinking a little before talking out of your ass. Or are you just pissed because you wanted a Lena pinup instead?

Me, I appreciate when Megami does one for a side-character, since side-characters don't usually get much exposure (lol) in the show. said:
Less than 1% of the target audience wants to see and more than 90% of the audience finds outright distasteful or disgusting? Are you on crack? That's no untrue it's almost funny.

Not only is she popular, but her relationship with Shinei is the best part of the second season (and equivalent novel). She's also important as the single person who could possibly shut Legion down, and a prime target of assassination by said Legion for that very reason. Maybe try thinking a little before talking out of your ass. Or are you just pissed because you wanted a Lena pinup instead?

Me, I appreciate when Megami does one for a side-character, since side-characters don't usually get much exposure (lol) in the show.
No, I'm factually right. She is a child, from a popular anime.
Nobody wants to see sensual little girls from that these days. That's the truth.
Arknovalisk said:
No, I'm factually right. She is a child, from a popular anime.
Nobody wants to see sensual little girls from that these days. That's the truth.
I didn’t know that your name was Nobody, but OK.
Trit said:
I didn’t know that your name was Nobody, but OK.
Well, I actually DO want to see that, yes, but I'm pretty sure you understood that by "nobody" I meant "nobody from the vast, vast majority" without having to spell it out.
Anime industry stopped catering to lolicons, and in response, lolicons stopped caring about anime. So an illustration like this is, to get back at my initial point, pretty far from being a brilliant idea.
Arknovalisk said:
Anime industry stopped catering to lolicons
Are you that crazy person from 4chan/sankaku that keeps posting "anime studios hate lolis" everywhere?
"A World Without Lolis"&"No More Lolis"VS"Lolis Forever and Ever...and Ever" said:
Are you that crazy person from 4chan/sankaku that keeps posting "anime studios hate lolis" everywhere?
No, but I'm one of the people who know he's right.
Arknovalisk said:
No, but I'm one of the people who know he's right.
Rule 51.