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chibi ito_noizi scanning_resolution screening seifuku shakugan_no_shana shana thighhighs

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very nice scans, but JPEG makes me cry
Imbir said:
very nice scans, but JPEG makes me cry
JPEG doesn't make me cry. Giant burry scan does.
mmx3 said:
JPEG doesn't make me cry. Giant burry scan does.
That too
mmx3 said:
JPEG doesn't make me cry. Giant burry scan does.
You missed the 'unprocessed' bit as well.
is it cool tag? my limitation of English ;_;
aoie, tell the mods of anime paper what is good scans or bad scans, and make test & suemura not to upload crappy exceed-res jpeg artifacts.
midzki said:
aoie, tell the mods of anime paper what is good scans or bad scans, and make test & suemura not to upload crappy exceed-res jpeg artifacts.
You made me smile.
Makes more sense to call it scanning_resolution. Please make sure to maintain this tag.
Resolution_issue is more clearly to tell its fault imo.

I'm maintaining only commented posts and decent arts, but no time to check all posts (if you force it, I lose the time to scan/edit). but if we have certain tag like fault me (lol) or blurry, filtering_issue, something like that, I can check & detect them technically and retag them.