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akemi_homura kaname_madoka mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica pantyhose taniguchi_junichirou thighhighs ultimate_madoka

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can't wait to have this one on my wall. <3 lovely!
I the "being meguca is suffering" thing still on the movie???
Spidey said:
I the "being meguca is suffering" thing still on the movie???
Are you even serious? That's the selling point of the franchise.
KingGidora said:
Are you even serious? That's the selling point of the franchise.
i thought it was because it's the most original anime ever.
awkwardangels said:
i thought it was because it's the most original anime ever.
Don't want to start an argue here, but if you really think of Madoka as "the most original anime ever", you probably need to watch more shows.
KingGidora said:
Don't want to start an argue here, but if you really think of Madoka as "the most original anime ever", you probably need to watch more shows.
i was being sarcastic. Σ(゚Д゚;)
awkwardangels said:
i was being sarcastic. Σ(゚Д゚;)
Phew! I was scared there.
KingGidora said:
Don't want to start an argue here, but if you really think of Madoka as "the most original anime ever", you probably need to watch more shows.
Madoka was the best mahou show ever! Usually all the others are too chessy and boring and never had any gory stuff...madoka magica gave all of the things that help make their anime fantastic! Don't u ever say that it wasn't good because thanks to that anime, I will never look at a mahou shoujo anime the same way ever again...and that's a good thing! Ì.Í
Kiminobokuwa said:
Madoka was the best mahou show ever! Usually all the others are too chessy and boring and never had any gory stuff...madoka magica gave all of the things that help make their anime fantastic! Don't u ever say that it wasn't good because thanks to that anime, I will never look at a mahou shoujo anime the same way ever again...and that's a good thing! Ì.Í
3 words: revolutionary girl utena, basically the evangelion of mahou shoujo. and since was madoka gory?!
awkwardangels said:
3 words: revolutionary girl utena, basically the evangelion of mahou shoujo. and since was madoka gory?!
You can't be the next evangelion of something unless you milk out merchandises regularly and have 3 sequential movies in a row. That, and utena's too much of a niche show to be an evangelion anyways.
Kiminobokuwa said:
Madoka was the best mahou show ever! Usually all the others are too chessy and boring and never had any gory stuff...madoka magica gave all of the things that help make their anime fantastic! Don't u ever say that it wasn't good because thanks to that anime, I will never look at a mahou shoujo anime the same way ever again...and that's a good thing! Ì.Í
That was my point from the very start, the show's selling point is shock.

Also, @Burningblade04 even if Utena is a niche show, its quality clearly puts it among the best of magical girls shows, and don't forget Princess Tutu.
Burningblade04 said:
You can't be the next evangelion of something unless you milk out merchandises regularly and have 3 sequential movies in a row. That, and utena's too much of a niche show to be an evangelion anyways.
utena's still remembered to this day though, despite nearly being 20 years old. same with sailor moon, which is a more fair comparison to madoka imo.
Well, it's not like there weren't other magical girls with darker tones before, there were even a few mentioned already, but most of these went under the radar.
A nice example would be Uta~Kata.

But Madoka was still one of the, if not the best executed out of the bunch, and has great artistic impression to top it off. Also, really cute girls make it better. You can argue that anime doesn't need cute girls, but I think they're and important part of the whole style.
What was so great about madoka magica to me was that :
1. It was unlike any magical girl show I have seen before.. (in my opinion)
2.the jokes made about the characters were funny.
3. The art was great.
However it could improve on a few things. And to me, I'm glad that they came out with the movies.
Oneesama said:
What was so great about madoka magica to me was that :
1. It was unlike any magical girl show I have seen before.. (in my opinion)
Madoka is anything but that, it uses all the classic tropes from the genre. It has its merits though, as people mentioned before, such as the art style. It doesn't go beyond breaking the rules of the genres. Eva, for instance, used the tropes AND introduced new things to anime in general (deep psychology, mix of genres). As for Madoka, it only plays with the viewer's expectations of the genre only without delivering anything new (loli carnage and Higurashi?). There's not even character development to properly speak of...

Usually, people who claim it is the best of Mahou Shoujo usually are those who watch mostly recent hits and/or haven't even saw an classical MS.

That said, Madoka was an over the average title for the recent years and a major commercial hit, which I cannot deny.
KingGidora said:

Usually, people who claim it is the best of Mahou Shoujo usually are those who watch mostly recent hits and/or haven't even saw an classical MS.
I mean, that it was a great magical anime show that I have seen recently.. I have seen things like sailor moon and other great magical girl shows.. (-_-;)
Oneesama said:
I mean, that it was a great magical anime show that I have seen recently.. I have seen things like sailor moon and other great magical girl shows.. (-_-;)
When I wrote "usually", I wasn't necessarily including you, Onee, it's just my general impression from previous discussions.
I think Sayaka is a great character. She could have been better developed (as a lot of other stuff in Madoka could). The others are quite good too, but I think the deepest one (and closest to a real human being) is Sayaka.

The background illustrations and the soundtrack for this anime are also outstanding.
But I really think the anime could have been even better.
KingGidora said:
Eva, for instance, used the tropes AND introduced new things to anime in general (deep psychology, mix of genres).
Those things weren't new to anime even back then.