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« Previous Next » This post is #9 in the Megami #151 2012-12 pool.
over 12 years agoSpidey
over 12 years agoKingGidora
over 12 years agoawkwardangels
over 12 years agoKingGidora
over 12 years agoawkwardangels
over 12 years agoKingGidora
over 12 years agoKiminobokuwa
over 12 years agoawkwardangels
over 12 years agoBurningblade04
over 12 years agoKingGidora
over 12 years agoAlso, @Burningblade04 even if Utena is a niche show, its quality clearly puts it among the best of magical girls shows, and don't forget Princess Tutu.
over 12 years agoDarKNovA
over 12 years agoA nice example would be Uta~Kata.
But Madoka was still one of the, if not the best executed out of the bunch, and has great artistic impression to top it off. Also, really cute girls make it better. You can argue that anime doesn't need cute girls, but I think they're and important part of the whole style.
over 12 years ago1. It was unlike any magical girl show I have seen before.. (in my opinion)
2.the jokes made about the characters were funny.
3. The art was great.
However it could improve on a few things. And to me, I'm glad that they came out with the movies.
over 12 years agoUsually, people who claim it is the best of Mahou Shoujo usually are those who watch mostly recent hits and/or haven't even saw an classical MS.
That said, Madoka was an over the average title for the recent years and a major commercial hit, which I cannot deny.
over 12 years agoKingGidora
over 12 years agoDebbie
over 12 years agoThe background illustrations and the soundtrack for this anime are also outstanding.
But I really think the anime could have been even better.
over 12 years agoEnygma
about 12 years ago