_Astara said:
What menu does GreyC show up under?
The recent versions should show up under Noise filters.
Found it.... going to need alot of playing with it to find what's useful...

i need help pls. thanks

edit: nevermind, it opened on another version of photoshop i ran. thanks :)
Thanks for this tool :-) . I truly love paintography and this plugin is even better than old tool removed from new versions of PS CC. Hope it will work for all future versions of PS, it´s necessary for me O:-)
DarkRoseofHell said:
It's only 64bit photoshop, not OS. The main limitation / issue with 32bit is that the software is limited to 4GB of information stored in RAM. When you get Photoshop it should have both 64bit and 32bit.
Is there any way to use greyc with PS CC (2017)? I'm getting a error saying the plugin can't be loaded.
Weird, I can use it AFAIK (I've uninstalled it so can't confirm now, but I'm pretty sure I can use it before.)

Just to make sure, are you using the newest version (forum #17877) and 64-bit PS?
My bad; it works now. I put both 32-bit and 64-bit versions in the plugins folder by accident. Just moved to PS CC from CS5 and still getting used to things.
HI Sir , Oil Painting filter for photoshop cc 32 bit is no longer in this site , can anyone help me to download it please as soon as possible ,