Shadie09 said:
Oh thank you very much i really didn't expect anyone to pay attention to my request i can't believe it
Thank you again
You're welcome. And this tip might be useful when you want to search books in this forum.

jueony said:
Because there are a lot of posts on this forum, so many people couldn't find the books they want even if they were already posted.
And the search function of doesn't work in most case when you want to search by Japanese.
So here's my tip for searching books in; googling.

Google " (the title of the book OR part of the title)"

Using Japanese titles is very effective, because many people (including myself) post their books with the Japanese titles. And sometimes people don't post the books with their full titles in amazon, so searching by the part of the titles is also good way to find them.

for example, if you want to find this one.

The full Japanese title is "デジタルイラストの「塗り」事典 CLIP STUDIO PAINT PROで描く! 多彩な描画のテクニック56"

So first, google " デジタルイラストの「塗り」事典 CLIP STUDIO PAINT PROで描く! 多彩な描画のテクニック56" .

And I could find it. It's on page 49.

If you couldn't find it, use part of the title. something like

" デジタルイラストの「塗り」事典"
" 「塗り」事典"
" CLIP STUDIO PAINT PROで描く! 多彩な描画のテクニック56"


And if you couldn't find it, use English titles instead. Because sometimes people post books with English titles.

I hope this tip help people with searching books.