There are so many good books on Amazon Japan that it becomes very difficult to make a choice.

I didn't have enough time to see all the pages, but I entered the keyword "描き方" hoping to find the drawing tutorial most representative of those I'm looking for.

Below you will find the books I have included in my Amazon's wishlist.

はじめての人物イラストレッスン帳 (MdN books)

人物の描き方 魅力的に見せる表現とポーズ

はじめての女性画レッスン帳 Kindle版

イラスト、漫画のためのキャラクター描画教室 Kindle版

キャラクターデザインの教科書 メイキングで学ぶ魅力的な人物イラストの描き方 Kindle版

アニメーターが教えるキャラ描画の基本法則 Kindle版

手の描き方 神志那弘志の人体パーツ・イラスト講座 Kindle版

ゲームシナリオの書き方 基礎から学ぶキャラクター・構成・テキストの秘訣 Kindle版

ゲームシナリオの書き方 基礎から学ぶキャラクター・構成・テキストの秘訣 Kindle版

美少女キャラデッサン 顔・からだ編 Kindle版

立体から考える美少女の描き方 88のコツ!! Kindle版

動きのあるポーズの描き方 セクシーキャラクター編 Kindle版

I did a quick check and normally, they should not have been uploaded before, but in case they would be available on the internet or already proposed here, it would reduce the list and help me greatly to make a choice among them .

I didn't have time to update the Excel list, but I took the opportunity to add KUs to my list to download them once I subscribed to Amazon Kindle Unlimited.

If you know of any other interesting kindle that has not been proposed yet, I'm interested.

Yes it has already been proposted. Please, type the keyword into google and add "" and you'll find the exact page where it was shared. If you still have problem, I'll check it for you. It was uploaded by the generous Kitsutsuki.