lpb said:
Unfortunately I can't seem to purchase with either paypal or cc, last time I used tunnelbear on chrome and I was able to purchase with my cc, tried softether but no difference.
This is the message I get:
Might it be my card was blocked, since its saying something about security issue?
I don't know why but I also couldn't use my cc in dmm.
And you can't buy ebooks by paypal directly, if your paypal account is not paypal Japan account.

But you can use your paypal to charge DMM points, and you can buy ebooks with your DMM points.

In the purchase option, you can choose cc, paypal, or your DMM points. In the DMM points option there is a button to charge your points. And you can also check how many points you need to buy that ebook.
Click charge option, and you can select cc or paypal to charge DMM points. Select paypal and set points you want. You have several options like 500 pt, 1000 pt etc, and also you can charge exact points you want by selecting the option on the bottom. After you charge DMM points, you can buy ebooks by select DMM points option.

About cc,
the message you got is probably warning when you tried & failed too many times to register your cc.
In my case, I couldn't register my cc at first even if I write correct information. And after I tried multiple times, I got the same message.
Strangely, I could register my cc on the next day. But I still couldn't use my cc to buy ebooks even if I could register my cc. When I select my cc to buy ebooks, I got the message that I can't use my cc. I still don't know why.

And FYI, the 50% discount coupon for the first purchase only can be used within 1 hour after you got the coupon. And I don't know whether you can get it again after you lost it because of the time limit.
If you can't get it, creating a new account might be an option.