jueony said:
I hope you could fix your VPN issue. I use VPN gate.

But because I'm not a mac user, so I don't know if VPN gate works well with mac.
Well, I was told by my VPN staff that I can't use their VPN to buy kindle on Amazon Japan.

That's suck because the VPN is actually working, I'm connected to Tokyo and my IP is in Japan. I can't understand why I am not allowed to purchase any kindle.

Do I really need to contact Amazon Japan to unlock the purchase limitation?
I checked my Japanese address is in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan, I don't find anywhere in the setting where I have to enter Japan.

Did I miss something?

If I contact the Amazon Staff, they'll no doubts understand I'm not fluent in Japanese and they won't allow me to buy new kindle...

I really don't know what should I do.