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169858 1289.1 Full interview available at Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169857 1288.1 1,2: The colosseum hidden under Southern Cross Island, and the passage that leads to it. A fantastic light radiates through the deep, seemingly endless darkness. 3: The underground ferris wheel the Glittering Crux Brigade officers ride. Its figure juts out abruptly from the darkness and looks almost like a giant gear. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169857 1287.1 Operator Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169857 1286.1 Members of the “Science Guild.” They wear a characteristically ridiculous, circus-clown like getup. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169857 1285.1 Sixth Company: The Science Guild The Glittering Crux Brigade is organized into four functional groups from the second Company “Vanishing Age” to the Fifth Company “Filament,” but there’s one more company, the special action section, Sixth Company “Science Guild.” They are, as the name implies, the company that studies the Cybodies sleeping below ground. So far, they’ve carried out ability capacity and start up experiments on the ever so mysterious Cybodies. Professor Green leads the group. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169857 1284.1 Chairman The man who runs the Glittering Crux Brigade meetings and opens the underground assembly hall. He's in charge of the proceedings but his outside identity is unknown. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169857 1283.1 Shibuya Hideki / Professor Silver One member of the Galactic Cross Guild’s Sixth Company, “Science Guild,” pursuing Cybody development research. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169857 1282.1 Okamoto Midori / Professor Green CV: Kuwashima Houko She works at Southern Cross High School as the always calm health teacher. But, her other identity is the leader of the Sixth Company, “Science Guild,” which is in charge of Cybody research. Since she likes impossibly beautiful boys, she has a taste for collecting photos of dashing male students. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169856 1281.1 Gouda Tetsuya / Speed Kid CV: Sugiyama Ooki Like George, he lives in the dorm and is a second year student. His hobby is tinkering with his bike; he even commutes to school on it. A member of Fifth Company “Filament,” as Speed Kid he’s involved with Wako’s kidnapping with Benio and the others. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169856 1280.1 Cybody Alephist The Cybody belonging to Fifth Company, “Filament.” Its signature move is “Buffalo Crash” in which it charges with its giant body, and it is Takuto’s first opponent. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169856 1279.1 Cybody Tetrioht A Cybody, like Alephist, that belongs to Fifth Company, “Filament.” Part of its body can rotate at high speeds and transform, and it can fly through the sky at terrifying speeds. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169856 1278.1 Honda George / Raging Bull CV: Takagi Shun A second year student who lives in the same dorm as Takuto. He’s a member of the boxing club and his thoroughly trained body is very impressive. He’s a member of Fifth Company “Filament,” led by Benio, and he plans Wako’s kidnapping with her. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169856 1277.1 Dai Takashi / Banker CV: Akabane Kenji A timid boy who looks after Kanako’s daily needs along with Simone. A member of the Fourth Company, “Adult Bank,” he has another face as Banker, and pilots the Cybody Tzadikt. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169856 1276.1 Simone Aragon / Secretary CV: Taketatsu Ayana Another member of the “Adult Bank,” she’s in charge of taking care of Kanako’s daily necessities—a girl who plays an active role despite being the “secretary.” She’s always doing things with Kanako, she’s extremely devoted, but the complicated circumstances underneath all that are...? Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169856 1275.1 Cybody Tzadikt A Cybody belonging to the Glittering Crux Brigade’s Fourth Company, “Adult Bank.” It carries the Star Sword, Améthyste, and makes sport of its enemies with its beautiful, dance-like fencing. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169856 1274.1 “Even though she’s the wife of a world-leading foundation’s president, whenever she sits behind Takuto, she’s always saying lewd things to herself (lol)” (Enokido). “So, when Takuto hears it, he gets all flustered, but, really everyone in class is leaning in to hear what she’s saying! (lol)” (Igarashi) Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169856 1273.1 Watanabe Kanako / President CV: Niina Ayano A classmate of Takuto’s who’s already married even though she’s a high school student. Her husband is Leon Watanabe, the head of the gigantic international financial clique, the Grand Tonnerre Foundation. She has such a seductive and voluptuous sense about her that she doesn’t seem 15. Of the upper echelons of the Glittering Crux Brigade, she alone is called “President.” She leads the Fourth Company, “Adult Bank.” Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169856 1272.1 Fourth Company Adult Bank Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1271.1 The Composition of the Glittering Crux Brigade There are 6 groups in all that comprise the Glittering Crux Brigade. The First Company, “Emperor,” has zero members, and technically doesn’t exist, and the functional Second through Fifth Companies are each assigned a trump mark. Head, the leader of the Second Company, is provisionally in charge of the entire organization. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1270.1 “Her external appearance is lolita-ish, even though age-wise she’s a year older. You could say that she’s either extremely rude to Wako or she’s just a strongly self-assertive type.” (Enokido) Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1269.1 Shinada Benio / Scarlet Kiss CV: Chiba Chiemi She works as the RA for Takuto’s dorm, and is in second year at Southern Cross High School. She’s a short and cute girl, but she’s also the captain of the kendo club. She’s the leader of the Fifth Company, “Filament,” and as Scarlet Kiss, she has the ability to bend whomever she kisses to her will. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1268.1 “Her main characteristic is her two-faced personality: normally she’s an honors student, but really she’s a bitch.” (Igarashi) “She’s a serious class rep, but she’s really an officer in an evil organization— it’s gap moe isn’t it? (lol)” (Enokido) Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1267.1 Cybody Hegent The Cybody Ivrogne managed to activate by manipulating Sugatame Taiga. It has the ability to confuse its opponent by manifesting memories and desires from their heart. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1266.1 Nichi Keito / Ivrogne CV: Koshimizu Ami A 15-year-old girl in Takuto and co.’s class serving as class rep. She’s quiet and serious, but she’s a member of the chemistry experiment club and is very adept at mixing chemicals. Sometimes, it seems like she uses students as lab rats…. In the Glittering Crux Brigade she’s the representative of the Third Company, Bougainvillea. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1265.1 Third Company Bougainvillea Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1264.1 Second Company Vanishing Age Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1263.2 Head CV: Ishida Akira He’s acting as chairman of the Glittering Crux Brigade, a man wrapped in mystery. In the Glittering Crux Brigade, he serves as leader of the Second Company “Vanishing Age” as well as acting as temporary head of the entire organization on the pretext of the king’s seat being empty. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1263.1 Head CV: Ishida Akira He’s acting as chairman of the Glittering Crux Brigade, a man wrapped in mystery. In the Glittering Crux Brigade, he serves as leader of the Second Company “Vanishing Age” as well as acting as temporary head of the entire organization on the pretext of the king’s seat being empty. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1262.1 The underground hall where the Glittering Crux Brigade assembles. The main members and, of course, each of the group heads, meet and discuss the status of Cybody activation and the project’s progress. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1261.1 The Cybodies sleeping underground have infinite possibilities. When that power was discovered, there were those who wondered whether they could be brought out of “Zero Time.” Their name, of course, is the Glittering Crux Brigade—a secret society trying to release the seals on the Cybodies and make Phase Five activation possible. They have many members to start with, there’s the leader of Third Company, “Bougainvillea,” Nichi Keito/Ivrogne, and Shinada Benio/Scarlet Kiss who commands the Fifth Company, “Filament,” who are both students of the academy. But, since they all hide their faces behind masks, none of them know who each other’s real identity. You could say that they lead a double life as students and members of the Glittering Crux Brigade. They certainly want to bring the Cybodies into the real world, but to what end? What is their real aim? Among the swirling speculation, the curtain on fabulous and furious fight between Takuto and the Glittering Crux Brigade opens. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1260.1 The secret group moving in the shadows who hide their faces behind masks—the Glittering Crux Brigade. They want to dissolve the seals on the Cybodies and bring them into the real world—just what is their real objective? Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169855 1259.1 It’s All for the “Glittering Crux Brigade” Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169854 1258.1 The Milky Way that covers the sky over our heads almost like a shroud, and the calm water that reflects that starry sky. A giant raincloud swells up almost like a raging beast, and overwhelms the area. Colors that overflow and figures that dissolve. “Zero Time” is surely the opening of a gap in the time of this world—a bizarre world. The Cybodies cannot move freely except within the confines “Zero Time.” Takuto is working to smash the plans of the Glittering Crux Brigade, who’d like to take the Cybodies into the real world. Thanks to the fighting of Takuto and the others this “Zero Time” becomes a magnificently elegant stage that’s both tempestuous and tranquil. Also, inside this “Zero Time” time flows differently than it does in the real world—no matter how long things go on inside, no time passes in the real world at all. Hence the name “Zero Time.” Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169854 1257.1 The Alternate Dimension, Zero Time Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169853 1256.1 A giant robot that looks like a knight, runs on the ground and dances in the air—a Cybody. Let’s try to get a little closer to the secrets of this mysterious robot. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169853 1255.1 The Secret of the Cybodies Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169853 1254.1 The Cybercasket from which Cybodies in Phase Two can be remotely operated. The Glittering Crux Brigade’s Drivers pilot the Cybodies from these coffins. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169853 1253.1 The 20 or so Cybodies sleeping underground There are ancient ruins below Southern Cross Island. About 20 Cybodies are sleeping there. There are two types among them, the female “shrine maiden type” and the male “warrior type”. Furthermore, the abilities of the “warrior types” are sealed by the “shrine maiden types.” Also, there’s a gigantic Cybody that doesn’t fit into the aforementioned classifications, “The King’s Cybody,” presently so damaged that it cannot move. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169853 1252.1 The power of the sealed Cybodies and the 5 phases The Cybody’s power is sealed in advance by the four shrine maiden types. The Glittering Crux Brigade calls the stages of the seal “phases,” distinguishing from the completely sealed “Phase One” through “Phase Five.” When each of the first four stage seals is released, the phase moves to a higher number, and the restraints on its power are lifted. When they reach the final phase, “Phase Five,” it’s said that the Cybody can operate outside of Zero Time. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169853 1251.1 Cybody Tauburn The Cybody that started up when Takuto apprivoised it. It can shoot a beam of energy collected in its chest called “Tau Galaxy Beam,” and it has two Star Swords called “Émeraude” and “Saphir.” Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169853 1250.2 Apprivoising and Zero Time Cybodies that can’t move, as if they were normal stone figures, can be activated when certain people apprivoise (form a bond with) them. At that time, they materialize in the special alternate dimension called “Zero Time” (conversely, outside of “Zero Time” Cybodies can’t move). The aim of the Glittering Crux Brigade is to take the Cybodies out of Zero Time. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169853 1250.1 Apprivoising and Zero Time Cybodies that can’t move, as if they were normal stone figures, can be activated when certain people apprivoise (form a bond with) them. At that time, they materialize in the special alternate dimension called “Zero Time” (conversely, outside of “Zero Time” Cybodies can’t move). The aim of the Glittering Crux Brigade is to take the Cybodies out of Zero Time. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169853 1249.1 The brilliant sunlight rains down on Southern Cross Island. But, there’s a big secret hidden deep under the ground of this island. Sleeping in the ancient underground ruins are 20 giant stone figures—these figures, called Cybodies, will awaken from their long sleep if a capable person apprivoises (forms a bond with) them. But, they can’t use their abilities freely since they are sealed by the four female Cybodies, called “shrine maiden types.” Phase Two Cybodies can only be operated remotely from Cybercaskets, and are also restricted to operating within the special alternate dimension called “Zero Time.” But, “Tauburn,” the Cybody Takuto pilots, is the only machine for which those restrictions are partly lifted. Takuto doesn’t use a Cybercasket, but pilots Tauburn directly, and can show its power off completely (this stage is called “Phase Three”). Takuto is called the “Galactic Pretty Boy" because of that astonishing power. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169852 1248.1 The sound of the students’ merry voices in the school, the tedious classes, and the blue sky. It seems like everyone is spending priceless time with their friends, also, love... Welcome to this rich student life! Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169852 1247.1 Welcome to Southern Cross High School!! Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169852 1246.1 Southern Cross High School Jersey The Academy’s gym uniform. The color of the pink sections changes depending on the grade. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169852 1245.1 Southern Cross High School School Emblem There’s a big ‘S’ in the middle, and a glittering star, the symbol of Southern Cross High School. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169852 1244.1 Makina Ruri One of Takuto’s classmates and close friend of the always cheerful Wako. Her specialty is meat and potatoes! Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169852 1243.1 Sugatame Tiger & Yamasugata Jaguar Takuto’s fellow drama club members. They’re maids to Sugata, heir to the Shindou clan, so they’re always by his side. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert
169852 1242.1 Takuto came to Southern Cross Island to “enjoy his adolescence.” The school he ended up attending is Southern Cross High School. With its spacious buildings, grounds wrapped in rich greenery, and surrounded by more lively classmates than anywhere else, Takuto managed to start a new life on this island. Boring classes where the teachers’ voices drone on endlessly, the idle conversations during break, lunch with friends, love gossip…. It seems to be everywhere, but that’s the day-to-day of a priceless “adolescence.” At the edge of the blue sky particular to this southern island, Takuto and the others pass this sparkling time. Of course, there are clubs after class too. Takuto, Wako and Sugata join the drama club with strict, but kind, senior member, Endou Sarina, and the cute mascot “sub chief.” As the sun slowly sets behind the school building, Takuto and the others zealously rehearse with the other members. This is another unmissable scene of adolescence. Aurelia 01/24/11 Revert