This post has a child post. (post #55207)

guitar headphones maid nagato_yuki pantsu sano_toshihide suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu thighhighs

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She's got that glassy eyed far off look ...
Looks like a fender bass.
The artwork is attractive too ^^ the proportions are very nicely drawn. The eyes aren't too big or small. Nothing really seems to exaggerated.
really nice scan

@van oh yea, how'd u figure it was a fender bass? all u can see is a white colored body and four strings. It could also be a gibson, right?
Etheldreda said:
@van oh yea, how'd u figure it was a fender bass? all u can see is a white colored body and four strings. It could also be a gibson, right?
Fender has a characteristic shape to the headstock. In the anime Nagato plays guitar so it's strange that here she's holding a bass.
I'm thinking it's a reference to Tissue Hime, the Yuki cosplay bass player on niconico douga.
I don't think i've seen an image with 24 votes so far ^^
aoie_emesai said:
I don't think i've seen an image with 24 votes so far ^^ is the record breaker.