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This post has child posts. (post #194624, 196672, 199435, 203198)

ano_natsu_de_matteru detexted fixed kitahara_mio megane pantyhose rinon seifuku takatsuki_ichika tanigawa_kanna uon_taraku yamano_remon

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Nice work.

This would make an amazing wrap-around wallpaper for somebody with a triple monitor setup.
They're still probably more parts of the images remaining, I think, because of Remon's hair at the end on the right indicates of a few characters left.

...that will be a mystery to find out who it will be?
cosmic+T5 said:
They're still probably more parts of the images remaining, I think, because of Remon's hair at the end on the right indicates of a few characters left.

...that will be a mystery to find out who it will be?
Probably the male character.
Koyomi said:
Probably the male character.
Possibly, yes.

Come to think of it, as you said before, it's probably going to be two male cast characters from the anime.
So, for all intents and purposes the image is complete now. ;)
Xcalibur said:
So, for all intents and purposes the image is complete now. ;)
So far, for now.