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cleavage fujii_masahiro garter loli louise naked_apron siesta zero_no_tsukaima

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Jesus Christ, Siestas breasts are enormous. She could split them with Louise, and they'd still be larger than life.
there never can be enough siesta fanservice. Siesta & Henrietta <3
Dracnore said:
Jesus Christ, Siestas breasts are enormous. She could split them with Louise, and they'd still be larger than life.
Siesta's breasts grow bigger for each season of the anime. "ZnTF" is no exception, it seems...
fu*k siesta. GTFO.
the anime isn't about her or her damn boobs.
i want dat Louis loli in here NAO D :

okays. done. I find it annoying that siesta gets most of the coverage in this picture ( and the picture before on the bed )
she is already annoying enough in the anime, has to get more annoying in pictures too? =3=
now Siesta fans, dont rage at me, im only stating my opinion here. >.>
louise is the best, for ever :)haha
We need this nude as well. ;)
nanasuperfour said:
fu*k Seista. GTFO.
now Siesta fans, dont rage at me, im only stating my opinion here. >.>
No, of course. You can rage all you like at Siesta fans, but they would be wrong to rage at you. Seriously, if you don't like images with Siesta in them, look at the thumbnail first... then "gtfo", instead of ranting about how you hate breasts.