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« Previous Next » This post is #2 in the Megami #142 2012-03 pool.

guilty_crown igawa_rena menjou_hare nurse thighhighs tsugumi_(guilty_crown) yuzuriha_inori

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Nice girls, too bad this anime is one of the WORST animes ever. never seen something this bad scripted before... even Musashi.
your personal higly subjective opinion?

All I heard of this anime is almost hailed for. Top score, top notes. Haven't seen it yet. waiting for BD.
Yeah, this is YOUR opinion. I've seen the anime until now, and it's better that others animes in this/previous season.
The artwork is good, but the story, and main character, is terrible.
Have to remember the characters backstory, he had a shitty past, the whole last christmas, and until then he was living as a civilian, cant expect too much from him
Radioactive said:
The artwork is good, but the story, and main character, is terrible.
It gets good.
Watch the new episodes.

Lagman21 said:
Nice girls, too bad this anime is one of the WORST animes ever. never seen something this bad scripted before... even Musashi.
FYI, Guilty Crown has high score rates.
Bet you haven't seen the new episodes.
Watch then Judge

Otaku2011 said:
Have to remember the characters backstory, he had a shitty past, the whole last christmas, and until then he was living as a civilian, cant expect too much from him
a bit of spoiler?

Anyways, to all you haters, if you don't like the anime, please just leave and be bitchy somewhere else.
There are alot of people who likes this anime.
the story is too simple,and the story plot is freaking cliché
U mad guys?... I don't enjoy soulless shows with no real characters, real development and only cute faces anymore. Don't know why i keep watching this... just to see if it gets a real Plot. ¬¬
I didn't really like it, but that's just me. It DOES look pretty good, visually. Still, it wasn't very appealing for me. Guess I just don't like this kind of plot.
This anime is really joyless. I decided to stop watching it, when I was watching the 2nd episod. The story is so boring, and main character also makes me suck.
x13lackcat said:
It gets good.
Watch the new episodes.
The episode where spoiler wasn't bad, but it has felt rather generic so far. The main character really does suck, and needs to grow some balls.

x13lackcat said:
FYI, Guilty Crown has high score rates.
Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good.
Radioactive said:
Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good.
who said anything about being popular
the REASON for the high scores is BECAUSE people like it because it's good
ZOMGitschuu said:
who said anything about being popular
the REASON for the high scores is BECAUSE people like it because it's good
Justin Bieber
ZOMGitschuu said:
who said anything about being popular
the REASON for the high scores is BECAUSE people like it because it's good
I invoke Godwin's Law
I stopped watching after the first episode...
All this polemic only makes me more curious and willing to watch the show.
A friend of mine praised it very much.
Oh boy... if you all hate Guilty Crown and bitch about it, i can so hate on some of 'the best anime ever' that people dont ever stfu about when i talk to them, long list inc:

Aa! Megami-sama
Asura Cryin
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Card Captor Sakura
Code Geass
Da Capo
Death Note (holy shit this is terrible)
Elfen Lied

I have lots more but i dont wanna spam..

In the end, it doesn't matter what 'I' hate, it's my own opinion and it shouldn't effect others, Guilty Crown in my opinion is one of the best anime this season.
I just soooo hope GC does not end like Code Geass.
Lets just hope after the latest EP things kinda change.
I wouldn't put Bakemonogatari on that list - though I do think that most of those are overhyped. Clannad is a great VN though.
Death Note, terrible? I've read the manga only, but it was at least good to me... Well, it's really a matter of opinion, isn't it.

But I think the anime "quality" is universal. Of course, the anime can have awesome soundtrack, very good animation and artwork, original story plot, but there will always have some points that won't please everyone, even if the quality is high and if it was very well-done. An anime isn't made of quality only, I guess. And we don't judge it based only on quality, but also on our personal impressions.
Beelzebub was a 'best anime ever'? (・∀・)
I can side with Asura Cryin' being terrible.
Crap -> Aa! Megami-sama
Genuinely good IMHO -> Bakemonogatari
Crap -> Beelzebub
Crap -> Asura Cryin
I enjoyed but wouldn't call high quality -> Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Kids show -> Card Captor Sakura
Decent adaptation but the VN is better -> Clannad
Started out good -> Code Geass
Good VN's but not a great adaptation -> Da Capo
Hyped, but not that bad -> Death Note (holy shit this is terrible)
Mediocre -> Elfen Lied
SaaiXlor said:
I just soooo hope GC does not end like Code Geass.
Lets just hope after the latest EP things kinda change.
GC is just be a backward spelling word of CG.
nicky_008 said:
GC is just be a backward spelling word of CG.
Plus the original writer from Code Geass's original story, screenplay, and series composition is an assistant for series composition in Guilty Crown. There's bound to be a few similarities.

Anyways, enough of this complaining about the show guys. You can't judge a show on whether it's good or not based on someone's comment. Anime has a variety of genres, and appeal to specific audiences. Just because you hate one genre doesn't mean the next guy or girl wouldn't like it. Solution - see it for yourself, then determine if it's "good" or not.
Debbie said:
Death Note, terrible? I've read the manga only, but it was at least good to me... Well, it's really a matter of opinion, isn't it.

But I think the anime "quality" is universal. Of course, the anime can have awesome soundtrack, very good animation and artwork, original story plot, but there will always have some points that won't please everyone, even if the quality is high and if it was very well-done. An anime isn't made of quality only, I guess. And we don't judge it based only on quality, but also on our personal impressions.
This doesn't apply to anime, but all forms of fiction as well. We all interpret fiction in different ways, depending on what we're like, our tastes, and even our life experience. Fiction is a reflection of reality, or at least has some basis on reality. And since we all react to reality differently, it's no wonder that we react to fiction differently as well.
nice artwork as well as wonderful story,but short episode and poor invest lead to the disappointing result