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« Previous Next » This post is #2 in the Megami #142 2012-03 pool.
about 13 years agoTalec
about 13 years agoAll I heard of this anime is almost hailed for. Top score, top notes. Haven't seen it yet. waiting for BD.
about 13 years agoRadioactive
about 13 years agoOtaku2011
about 13 years agox13lackcat
about 13 years agoWatch the new episodes.
FYI, Guilty Crown has high score rates.
Bet you haven't seen the new episodes.
Watch then Judge
a bit of spoiler?
Anyways, to all you haters, if you don't like the anime, please just leave and be bitchy somewhere else.
There are alot of people who likes this anime.
about 13 years agoLagman21
about 13 years agoMetaler
about 13 years agoEstimatingJ
about 13 years agoRadioactive
about 13 years agoJust because it's popular doesn't mean it's good.
about 13 years agothe REASON for the high scores is BECAUSE people like it because it's good
about 13 years agoRadioactive
about 13 years agoHarrisonBrown
about 13 years agoPFULMTL
about 13 years agoDebbie
about 13 years agoA friend of mine praised it very much.
about 13 years agoAa! Megami-sama
Asura Cryin
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Card Captor Sakura
Code Geass
Da Capo
Death Note (holy shit this is terrible)
Elfen Lied
I have lots more but i dont wanna spam..
In the end, it doesn't matter what 'I' hate, it's my own opinion and it shouldn't effect others, Guilty Crown in my opinion is one of the best anime this season.
about 13 years agoLets just hope after the latest EP things kinda change.
about 13 years agoDebbie
about 13 years agoBut I think the anime "quality" is universal. Of course, the anime can have awesome soundtrack, very good animation and artwork, original story plot, but there will always have some points that won't please everyone, even if the quality is high and if it was very well-done. An anime isn't made of quality only, I guess. And we don't judge it based only on quality, but also on our personal impressions.
about 13 years agoJigsy
about 13 years agobakaneko
about 13 years agoGenuinely good IMHO -> Bakemonogatari
Crap -> Beelzebub
Crap -> Asura Cryin
I enjoyed but wouldn't call high quality -> Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Kids show -> Card Captor Sakura
Decent adaptation but the VN is better -> Clannad
Started out good -> Code Geass
Good VN's but not a great adaptation -> Da Capo
Hyped, but not that bad -> Death Note (holy shit this is terrible)
Mediocre -> Elfen Lied
nicky 008
about 13 years agogreensoulreaper
about 13 years agoAnyways, enough of this complaining about the show guys. You can't judge a show on whether it's good or not based on someone's comment. Anime has a variety of genres, and appeal to specific audiences. Just because you hate one genre doesn't mean the next guy or girl wouldn't like it. Solution - see it for yourself, then determine if it's "good" or not.
about 13 years agohaoood
about 13 years ago