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bathing feet loli mamezuka_takashi miura_ryuu naked papa_no_iukoto_wo_kikinasai! takanashi_hina wet

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Thank god real 3 year old girls don't look like her, is all I can say.
For fuck sake Japan, she's three years old. I'm fine with loli, but somethings are off limits dammit.
There's nothing offending about this picture though. Not all nude pictures give off a dirty vibe, and neither does this.
And she doesn't look 3 in the first place with those curves.
She looks older than Konata.
I don't see anything perverted about this. I suppose the ones who see it as such are the truly perverted ones.
Metaler said:
I don't see anything perverted about this. I suppose the ones who see it as such are the truly perverted ones.
sad, but true
Metaler said:
I don't see anything perverted about this. I suppose the ones who see it as such are the truly perverted ones.
I'm pretty sure the intention was for it to be a fanservice picture. It's in Megami for starters. Plus they gave her curves and made her look older as pointed out earlier by someone else. The average person would see this as perverted.

Then again, Megami magazine is hardly for the average person. I digress.
kewlmyc said:
I'm pretty sure the intention was for it to be a fanservice picture. It's in Megami for starters. Plus they gave her curves and made her look older as pointed out earlier by someone else. The average person would see this as perverted.
I don't see any curve (not like that's a bad thing). She doesn't look older than in the anime either, she always looked older than her actual age to begin with which happens to be true for her sisters as well. Don't look for logics in anime...
unya said:
I don't see any curve (not like that's a bad thing). She doesn't look older than in the anime either, she always looked older than her actual age to begin with which happens to be true for her sisters as well. Don't look for logics in anime...
Heh, I always thought that her hair was way too long for her age.
unya said:
I don't see any curve
Well, her hips are certainly wider, and her waist is certainly thinner than a 3 year old's.
Breasts aren't the only manifestation of a curvy body you know.
The lengths pedophiles go to to defend themselves amuses me greatly.
kewlmyc said:
For fuck sake Japan, she's three years old. I'm fine with loli, but somethings are off limits dammit.
Totally agree. Stop publish posters which can send people to jail although they AREN'T lolicons (and didn't want these posters anyway)!

Metaler said:
I don't see anything perverted about this. I suppose the ones who see it as such are the truly perverted ones.
It's my opinion too, but go to say that in a country where laws consider simple drawings as criminal as photos of real children...
novalisk said:
Well, her hips are certainly wider, and her waist is certainly thinner than a 3 year old's.
Breasts aren't the only manifestation of a curvy body you know.
Well that's anime logic for you. I didn't really notice that, what I really noticed in the anime or this poster is that her height and others things make her look older than her actual age.

Trit said:
Totally agree. Stop publish posters which can send people to jail although they AREN'T lolicons (and didn't want these posters anyway)!
Not happy? Don't buy it. It's a good thing MEGAMI and the like stopped shying away from loli. I really enjoyed those Lotte no Omocha posters myself.
Also most the girls in those posters could be deemed underage and would send you to jail if the laws said so anyway, so your argument is nul.
unya said:
Not happy? Don't buy it. It's a good thing MEGAMI and the like stopped shying away from loli. I really enjoyed those Lotte no Omocha posters myself.
Also most the girls in those posters could be deemed underage and would send you to jail if the laws said so anyway, so your argument is nul.
Publishing loli is not a problem, but why NSFW? I'd have liked an SFW poster of this young girl more than this one, to say it all.

In fact, publishing NSFW posters of underaged characters once in a while doesn't bother me (I like NSFW pictures too, don't think I'd be an integrist), but when it's too frequent, it becomes quite boring... It's not an obligation, is it?

Well, I know I can't change this and I don't want it too. It was just my opinion about that.
Trit said:
Publishing loli is not a problem, but why NSFW? I'd have liked an SFW poster of this young girl more than this one, to say it all.

In fact, publishing NSFW posters of underaged characters once in a while doesn't bother me (I like NSFW pictures too, don't think I'd be an integrist), but when it's too frequent, it becomes quite boring... It's not an obligation, is it?

Well, I know I can't change this and I don't want it too. It was just my opinion about that.
The show just started, so more scans will come SFW or not, so you shouldn't worry so much. Remember that since it's a fanservice show there are chances that posters would be NSFW. This one and the other one are good examples.
Anime girls ain't real girls, It does not need to follow the law of physics, they can do whatever so get over it guys.
Well Atleast one anime is breaking the walls to social taboos
Ecchi_Kitty said:
The lengths pedophiles go to to defend themselves amuses me greatly.
You're the one who believes people are defending themselves. Most of us here can differ reality from fiction. This picture is fictional. Those who call it pedophilia are the ones who are trully delusional. Just like those people who say violent video games kill people. I've been playing Doom ever since I was 4. I can draw the line between it and reality. Those who say video games can make kids pick up guns and start killing each other are delusional, they can't draw the line. They put fiction in the same realm of existence as reality, which is a grave fallacy.

The situation here is not much different.

QFT- Going into my .txt
Please do not remove untranslated artist tag.
Limbs are too long and body isn't chubby enough for a '3-year-old.' Anime anatomy, I swear...
Trit said:
Totally agree. Stop publish posters which can send people to jail although they AREN'T lolicons (and didn't want these posters anyway)!
So we should stop uploading any erotic pictures because there are countries out there that have banned porn completely?
Azarel said:
So we should stop uploading any erotic pictures because there are countries out there that have banned porn completely?
You make a valid point, my friend. Let's ban all porn!
captainwoodroe said:
You make a valid point, my friend. Let's ban all porn!
from all the internet?(sarcasm)
She is 300 years old vampire not 3 years old.
Japan agreed with this image, they even edited nipples on it on some japanese imageboard.
This isn't erotic though - it's just cute. Naked isn't necessarily porn
bakaneko said:
This isn't erotic though - it's just cute. Naked isn't necessarily porn
I'm sure the F.B.I. will fully understand your feelings.
Radioactive said:
I'm sure the F.B.I. will fully understand your feelings.
Thank god I'm Canadian.....Oh wait..Nah I'm fine
Radioactive said:
I'm sure the F.B.I. will fully understand your feelings.
Fortunately, drawings are still protected by free speech - well for now at least....
She's so thin for a 3-year-old child. And the curves are a bit out of place. Oh well, weird drawings if I must say.
ruruchan said:
She's so thin for a 3-year-old child. And the curves are a bit out of place. Oh well, weird drawings if I must say.
Thats because she ain't real as I mentioned before she is a anime girl,. not based of real 3 year olds. Get over it, stop compare it to reality, they ain't real.
Metaler said:
I don't see anything perverted about this. I suppose the ones who see it as such are the truly perverted ones.
Ironic isn't that? The only people who see this as perverted are those who think nudity in any sense is wrong. Any parent can tell you that young children love to run around the house naked.

Radioactive said:
I'm sure the F.B.I. will fully understand your feelings.
Please you think the F.B.I. really cares? This is 2013, if they thought it was such a big deal nothing like this, drawn or otherwise, would be accessible. Heck just look at the Tinymodel sites. 100% Legal.
Downloading it to spite you all.