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xiaochen0927 said:
ThisIsDK said:
xiaochen0927 said:
He's not speaking english or japanese imo.
Something called "pinyin".
23yAyuMe said:
He's not speaking english or japanese imo.
Something called "pinyin".
You mean for Chinese? In that case, it's ke ai.
StayCold said:
You mean for Chinese? In that case, it's ke ai.
Those born after 85's do say "卡哇依", don't deny =w=
23yAyuMe said:
Those born after 85's do say "卡哇依", don't deny =w=
Not's only those who want to be Japanese but fail in doing so
There's quite a few vocabulary that don't makes no grammatical sense or simply just sounds totally awkward when you add romanjized Japanese into it.