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« Previous Next » This post is #9 in the Tony ART COLLECTION 2018 pool.

bra cleavage dress heels pantsu stockings thighhighs tony_taka wedding_dress

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RaDecFr said:
Sexiest bride ever !
I bet that we could find sexier, but she's definitely sexy.
It is a underboob don't thing
Tony Taka MUST participate the Fashion Industry, his designs are priceless
k4nichan said:
Tony Taka MUST participate the Fashion Industry, his designs are priceless
...Seriously? They're all either just bland or too slutty.
I wonder why the calendar has only 1 picture...
1f23as said:
I wonder why the calendar has only 1 picture...
The person scanning it was so enthralled with the rest that they forgot to scan any more... :)
WtfCakes said:
...Seriously? They're all either just bland or too slutty.
They generally look fantasic, but they also generally look fantastic in the way that you want a girl to look fantastic when you're about to bed her and not how you want her to look when she's in public.
Preorderd that calendar, will arive tomorrow or the day after. Might give it a try to scan ... There are some good tutorials on here :)
Kalessin said:
The person scanning it was so enthralled with the rest that they forgot to scan any more... :)
If he forgets them for a week's time, I think I'll go mad :)
I just received this calendar and the newest To LOVE-Ru VENUS Artbook, both are amazing!
Templa said:
I just received this calendar and the newest To LOVE-Ru VENUS Artbook, both are amazing!
Could you scan and share it? I want to set it for a wallpaper but can't find any other on the Internet.
1f23as said:
Could you scan and share it? I want to set it for a wallpaper but can't find any other on the Internet.
I'll try this today after coming home, never looked much into scanning stuff, especially stuff bigger than DIN4 ...
Templa said:
I'll try this today after coming home, never looked much into scanning stuff, especially stuff bigger than DIN4 ...
1f23as said:
Well it is working fine, also partial scanning and putting the pieces back together. But I just realised I have a horrible CIS-Scanner which kind of puts weird horizontal lines into the scan. Looks really bad :/ need to read into some tutorials first. But I think that my scanner just sucks. Btw. sent you a message.
btuma said:
pussy is naked
... i guess this is not ok...
btuma said:
pussy is naked
Templa said:
Well it is working fine, also partial scanning and putting the pieces back together. But I just realised I have a horrible CIS-Scanner which kind of puts weird horizontal lines into the scan. Looks really bad :/ need to read into some tutorials first. But I think that my scanner just sucks. Btw. sent you a message.
if you dont mind, post the partial scans, i can try to edit the lines out or maybe some one else can fix it
this's a set wif some other artist poster sold on hong kong