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Kurehito Misaki

Summer Rain
Summer Rain


A sudden summer shower cools the hot asphalt, creating a momentary ‘interval’. It creates a different atmosphere to that of a tropical squall, one which I think is typically Japanese.
misaki_kurehito seifuku

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=.=wow.. a hold post with 30+votes..these guys so mad on kurehito?
Twinsenzw said:
=.=wow.. a hold post with 30+votes..these guys so mad on kurehito?
I deleted a duplicate and the votes were re-parented.
Radioactive said:
I deleted a duplicate and the votes were re-parented.
Kurehito is an popular artist.
U guys are Americans? I think American dose not like asian artworks.
Radioactive said:
Kurehito is an popular artist.
obviously chinese... how come you use "an" before popular?
Radioactive said:
Kurehito is an popular artist.
HeavenCloud said:
obviously chinese... how come you use "an" before popular?
Even Chinese doesn't pronounce letter 'p' as an vowel or silent letter.
Clearly anyone who misuses "an" must be Chinese though.
And I can't think of a single reason why.
American also miswrite an an as an a sometimes or vice versa very rarely though so I do not think it is reasonable to infer a man over screen in terms of a typo what I considered. (?)

通り雨、土砂降り、スコール… また懐かしい歌を思い出させた。これぞ日本の繊細優美、かな。
WtfCakes said:
Clearly anyone who misuses "an" must be Chinese though.
And I can't think of a single reason why.
zz0165 said:
American also miswrite an an as an a sometimes or vice versa very rarely though so I do not think it is reasonable to infer a man over screen in terms of a typo what I considered. (?)

通り雨、土砂降り、スコール… また懐かしい歌を思い出させた。これぞ日本の繊細優美、かな。
To my experience, Chinese misuse an as a in different occasions from that comment. It is because he who didn't remember the correct pronounce, just simply identify by the first letter. For example, they would type "an useful xxx", "a hour" or "a NPC" etc.
I know more foreigner`s opinion about chinese pronunciation.
Why so serious at a trivial typing error....