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Kurehito Misaki
Summer Rain
Summer Rain
A sudden summer shower cools the hot asphalt, creating a momentary ‘interval’. It creates a different atmosphere to that of a tropical squall, one which I think is typically Japanese.
Kurehito Misaki
Summer Rain
Summer Rain
A sudden summer shower cools the hot asphalt, creating a momentary ‘interval’. It creates a different atmosphere to that of a tropical squall, one which I think is typically Japanese.

This post has 1 note
almost 12 years agoRadioactive
almost 12 years agoTwinsenzw
almost 12 years agoRadioactive
almost 12 years agolionsgate
over 11 years agoHeavenCloud
over 11 years agoikyo
over 11 years agoWtfCakes
over 11 years agoAnd I can't think of a single reason why.
aoie emesai
over 11 years agozz0165
over 11 years ago通り雨、土砂降り、スコール… また懐かしい歌を思い出させた。これぞ日本の繊細優美、かな。
over 11 years agolionsgate
over 11 years agod514152
over 11 years agoSerry7
about 11 years ago