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This post has a child post. (post #312090)

dress fixed lolita_fashion pantsu see_through tinkle wa_lolita

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This time I uploaded a small one
My scanner is EPSON V550 and I chose TIF as raw scan
RICO740 said:
This time I uploaded a small one
My scanner is EPSON V550 and I chose TIF as raw scan
zyh0403 said:
it's a little overfiltered on details. What's filter you are using in PS? You can use history brush to restore a few details. Compare details in post#312037.
And if using the epson prefection series, the configure on the scanner software would roughly be like these:
config1 and config2
多谢,这一张我使用了两次模糊滤镜所以细节损失了一些,其他使用一次或者不使用。降噪滤镜用的noiseware和neat image
RICO740 said:
多谢,这一张我使用了两次模糊滤镜所以细节损失了一些,其他使用一次或者不使用。降噪滤镜用的noiseware和neat image
These two filter will sure to make your pics overfiltered. Actually all your recent uploads are overfiltered in details, and the size (height and width) is smaller than expected size. For that doujin, a single page is roughly of 4000px height after editing (before any rotation).

Try for noise filter.