
ass bodysuit bra breast_hold cleavage kasukabe_akira no_bra pantsu panty_pull see_through senkan_gakuen_no_gramritter thighhighs undressing

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Kasukabe Akira is very skilled artist especially drawing traps.
morizou said:especially drawing traps.
Surely there are no traps in this image, right?
AsadaShino said:
Surely there are no traps in this image, right?
AsadaShino said:
Surely there are no traps in this image, right?
They all come with (what look like) breasts, so I'd be (quite) certain there are none of those; (though, one can never be sure).

Tread lightly, my friend, for you are on thin ice - once you start doubting, there's no turning back.
"Heidemarie Pforzheim" is a funny name for me as a german because I live near the town Pforzheim.
But the real question is what do they smoke when they come up with these bust sizes? No way the girl on the left's bust is 5 cm larger than the one on the right. Or larger to begin with.
The trap tag is definitely the tag that makes me most grateful for blacklists. Most of the other tags that you might want to blacklist (like guro) are pretty obvious, and while you might not want to see them, at least you're not deceived. With trap however, it's not always possible to tell, and personally, I find it sickening to find out that a girl that I think is attractive is actually a guy.