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bike_shorts gun headphones inkling_(splatoon) nintendo pointy_ears splatoon wallpaper

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This game has no anime style art if you ask me. Looks much more like typical modern day 3D animated western kids shows. Just my 2 cents.
Kawaiideath said:
This game has no anime style art if you ask me. Looks much more like typical modern day 3D animated western kids shows. Just my 2 cents.
Yeah i almost would say this doesn't belong here xD
Kawaiideath said:
This game has no anime style art if you ask me. Looks much more like typical modern day 3D animated western kids shows. Just my 2 cents.
I agree...considering there is already a splatoon category but this picture in particular doesn't look at all like anime, should it be flagged for deletion or let's just let it be?
This 3D art this is particularly bad.