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Science has proved that within the last 100 years our brains are shrinking. Yet, females continue to increase the size and width of their hips and pelvis. Some scientists believe that it's the unfortunate fact that some races breed with African males. Black women have stupid large hips/buttocks's to prevent animal attackes from damaging the unborn offspring (but their children learn to walk and run from danger younger than other races). And male Africans have adapted to have longer penises to accommodate this change. So what's with these Asian artists fixated on larger women? It goes against evolved genesets.
human brains are said to have shrunk 10% in 40k years based on examination of brain cavity volume. a trend mirrored in domestication of animals into forms that are more tolerant of dense populations/high socialisation, but is not understood.

beyond that, you have been reading way too much sex related race baiting non-sense. no scientist would actually assert what you say as it would be a blatant display of circular reasoning that doesnt account for it being globally observed and unexplainable by migration to the point it would need to explain why domesticated animals have also had the same adaptation.
it could also have something to do with the fact that humans no longer need to forage and scavenge for food.. now we have food easily available to buy in the stores, so we don't have to be lean and fast, we adapt to a more relaxed lifestyle.

Saying it's because black males are breeding with our women also sounds kinda racist somehow. I'm not dead sure why.
The very postulation that lower body thickness could mean more protection from animal attacks, of all things, for the fetus is absurd. There's not enough scientific knowledge to pinpoint the genes which would code the woman's body sizes either, so it's a big "if" to say those things were a subject for the declared evolution mechanism.

Oh, and according to the artist's DeviantArt page, they're from Dominican Republic, not Asia.
Why do people need to get into these kinds of arguments on a porno site? Just enjoy the artwork? IDK.
galleries being places for debate was common enough... same here?
Abraxas said:
human brains are said to have shrunk 10% in 40k years based on examination of brain cavity volume. a trend mirrored in domestication of animals into forms that are more tolerant of dense populations/high socialisation, but is not understood.

beyond that, you have been reading way too much sex related race baiting non-sense. no scientist would actually assert what you say as it would be a blatant display of circular reasoning that doesnt account for it being globally observed and unexplainable by migration to the point it would need to explain why domesticated animals have also had the same adaptation.
I mean sheer size doesn't matter much, it's the relation to the body mass. Even if the ratio ever so slightly went down (considering we're taller than we were a few thousand years ago, idk about total mass though maybe our ancestors had still the same/more mass), I don't think it matters much. If anything social media and Co are turning future generations stupid, not an ever so slight decrease in brain mass.
BaldurAnthology said:
it could also have something to do with the fact that humans no longer need to forage and scavenge for food.. now we have food easily available to buy in the stores, so we don't have to be lean and fast, we adapt to a more relaxed lifestyle.

Saying it's because black males are breeding with our women also sounds kinda racist somehow. I'm not dead sure why.
I rarely see interracial couples here in Europe and even if it that theory was true, interracial relationships were taboo for a long time and/or simply not possible due to not having good modes of transportation. No way could you see a change or rather conclusive change within only 2 or so generations of interracial breeding. So I have no clue what the first guy's on about.

To clarify, I have my own feelings regarding this topic and the stuff surrounding it, but the original post's just kinda stupid and is either bait or just /pol/ indoctrination. Some things posted there are true, others are just entirely made up. I'd kindly suggest no one trust anything they read online without triple-checking it themselves.