blooregardo said:
You can always appeal a deletion, IMO signatures are stupid.
Fixed that for you.
Radioactive said:
This site is intended only for high-res/high-quality images. Anything else uploaded may be deleted on objective grounds.
I so wanted to say something similar like that and post it...but I changed my mind just before I clicked "post" for strange reasons. Well someone did it for me in his own words.

Hachiko said:
And yes, having signatures below the posts or the avatar will be most welcome.
Naw. Someone will abuse that feature (There are some people that will do that if it can happen to other sites) and slow down the site.
Radioactive said:
This site is intended only for high-res/high-quality images. Anything else uploaded may be deleted on objective grounds.
Personally, i think that what makes Moe unique.
also. i like the black background less hurt on the eyes when it gets late
Suggestion: Bring back the 1000x1000px minimum size for posts. (Even bigger would be nice)
Azarel said:
Suggestion: Bring back the 1000x1000px minimum size for posts. (Even bigger would be nice)
The sample images are bigger, petopeto describes it here. Go to and un-check "Resize Images" to show the full sample size.
van said:
The sample images are bigger, petopeto describes it here. Go to and un-check "Resize Images" to show the full sample size.
that's not what I meant. I meant that people wouldn't be allowed to post images that are 1000px from just the other side, I think it should be at least 1000px on both sides. I used to be like that once
Lol. Complete misinterpretation.
We should judge by image quality, not physical size. I do wish, though, that the MPixel size was automatically displayed.
Radioactive said:
We should judge by image quality, not physical size. I do wish, though, that the MPixel size was automatically displayed.
well I agree but the quality can't be very high if the resolution is low...
Add folders to your favorites so it's easier to find specifics.
That's what tags are for.
But the folders thing is still interesting.
petopeto said:
That's what tags are for.
Folders could work for things we don't have tags for... Personally I however don't need folders
I was just looking for somewhere to suggest this: I like how you can search for images with width:x and with height:y which makes finding properly sized wallpapers easy, but it uses up too many tags in the search. So I'd love it if it were possible to search based on aspect ratio, so that way I can find 16:9 and 16:10 images but with any resolution so that it doesn't matter if an image is 1680x1050 or 1920x1200, I can find it with resolution:16x10. Hopefully this wouldn't be too difficult.
sakurapremier said:
Send a harddisk to admin2 and have the site mirrored, then have it back (^.^)
Just out of curiosity, how big is the site right now?

sakurapremier said:
I don't dare to run a desktop version of QQ. Maybe the Web version can be constrained by my browser...
A sandbox VM will work in this kind of situations.
One-button toggle blacklist function on/off...? i could accept all the extreme contents but there's always a time my classmates are around...
thorX said:
One-button toggle blacklist function on/off...? i could accept all the extreme contents but there's always a time my classmates are around...
So you're actually saying you're viewing this site at school?
A crazy "Download all favorited pictures to a folder" button would be awesome.
animetfw said:
A crazy "Download all favorited pictures to a folder" button would be awesome.
Listens like "ban my account"
Radioactive said:
So you're actually saying you're viewing this site at school?
...Sometimes = = ...usually when i took my laptop there ....
I did get some wonderful pics for wallpapers and posters here...
animetfw said:
A crazy "Download all favorited pictures to a folder" button would be awesome.
fireattack said:
Listens like "ban my account"
Download all favorited pics by 0.99USD per pic.....
make it where you can download all of the pictures of a tag all at one time
there's python scripts that can do that for you if you search for it
Provide sample-size pool download? Not everyone care for that many pixels, and by making sample-size pool download the default option, the server bandwidth can be cut down.
sakurapremier said:
Provide sample-size pool download? Not everyone care for that many pixels, and by making sample-size pool download the default option, the server bandwidth can be cut down.
That'd be pointless, you can already search for pools and it already shows thumbnails.

ex. pool #2059

If that doesn't provide enough thumb samples, not sure what would suffice as it already displays what you would be getting after downloading the pool.
aoie_emesai said:
That'd be pointless, you can already search for pools and it already shows thumbnails.
By saying sample I mean the 1000x1000-pixel resized image, not thumbnail...
sakurapremier said:
By saying sample I mean the 1000x1000-pixel resized image, not thumbnail...
The "Download JPGs/PNGs" options used to be "Download Samples/Full sized". The option you want was removed some time ago.
Not really a request for improvement but great going so far for whoevers in charge of this website
Voting seems to have stop working on latest Chrome. At least none of those url's is clickable at this point.

Might be my end but then it's an conclict with Adblock+ Something I'll never uninstall.

Edit: No not a adblock issisue.
I do not have adblock active and have the same problem, I´m figuring it is a bug of the last version of Google Chrome.