this pool cannot be download

I try almost one day,click download per hour,but failed every time
Works for me. Please try again later.

It's known users from Asia sometimes encounter this kind of problem.
fireattack said:
Works for me. Please try again later.

It's known users from Asia sometimes encounter this kind of problem.
3Q,already make it
actually not just this pool

Nyantype #68 2015-07
Megami #182 2015-07
Newtype 2015-01

I try all three, it fail after like 30%
Trying to download this takes me to the login page
fireattack said:
Works for me. Please try again later.

It's known users from Asia sometimes encounter this kind of problem.
By the way for your information, I am in North America. I am getting this problem for sometime for some of the pool around here.
I have the same problem.
When I download the zips, the pages will turn to the login page.Or the downloading will fail finally.
It might be because some of them are showing as position "NaN".

For instance post #320856 shows: "This post is "NaN" in the Nyantype #68 2015-07 pool."
I'll be looking into this matter, however, this gonna take some times. Rest assure the pool and the site isn't going anywhere, so don't worry.
Seems caching broke it, so, I removed pool cache for now. Download should be possible.
Checkmate said:
Seems caching broke it, so, I removed pool cache for now. Download should be possible.
Test Pool.
Before 30% fail, and now 50% fail......
I'll try it again later.
fairyren said:
Test Pool.
Before 30% fail, and now 50% fail......
I'll try it again later.
It's strange, I can dl pool #3786, and this time I dl pool #3606 successfully.
But I still cannot dl pool #3667 & pool #3582
tsukumoyo said:
It's strange, I can dl pool #3786, and this time I dl pool #3606 successfully.
But I still cannot dl pool #3667 & pool #3582
My situation
pool #3786 fail
pool #3606 successfully
pool #3667 fail
pool #3582 fail
For #3769, I can download up to about 200meg (at 1mb/sec) before it fails.
I'll continue to troubleshoot these issues. Please be patient.
Checkmate said:
I'll continue to troubleshoot these issues. Please be patient.
Thank you.
During my download of this pool

Monety ~China Touhou 2013~

The site somehow allow me to resume the download! So it's total fail about 6 times before I able to complete the download.

Normally it is impossible while downloaded previous few pools.
Eshi 100-Nin Ten 05
Failed. @kanagawa_pref japan
When normally return?
The squad is working on it
blooregardo said:
The squad is working on it
Thanks, blooregardo.
I got it.
I waiting for good result.
I my case, the pool download failure happens not only for specific pool.
All downloads interupt after started for a few minutes. Therefore, any pool or file that is smaller than 50MB can be downloaded successfully or at least succeeded after a few retry. However, any pool larger than 70 MB can never be downloaded.

This starts from about 10 days ago. I am not sure if it is caused by the earthquake in the pacific or by the problems in the server.

ps: Every time, the interupted downloads can not be resumed as continue download, but start from 0% instead.
wwang said:
This starts from about 10 days ago. I am not sure if it is caused by the earthquake in the pacific or by the problems in the server.
This issue did not happen 10 days ago, it actually couple months ago! Just in the start this issue start out small and few in number. I started to get this issue when I keep return to the login page when I tried to download the pool png version. Then the interruption started to show up
blooregardo said:
The squad is working on it

shedding many tears

go go hero squad!
I forgot to mention that pool downloads are now disabled. Debug is in progress. Please don't hammer the site and be patient.
I know it feels like I'm just fooling around but progress are being made. It's going to take just a bit more but it will be fixed.
We all thank you for your continuing efforts. :)
I'm happy to announce that you can now try to download the pools once again.

I went through a lot of sweat, tears, and blood (along with $$$$) to setup a total 6 server anycast/high availability style in 3 continents. This setup is fairly complicated and may have some unwanted problems but I'll try to fix all the issues as we go.

Eventually once the setup is fully done, you will see a small bump of speed especially for south east asia region, the west coast of america, latin america.
Checkmate said:
I'm happy to announce that you can now try to download the pools once again.

I went through a lot of sweat, tears, and blood (along with $$$$) to setup a total 6 server anycast/high availability style in 3 continents. This setup is fairly complicated and may have some unwanted problems but I'll try to fix all the issues as we go.

Eventually once the setup is fully done, you will see a small bump of speed especially for south east asia region, the west coast of america, latin america.
@ kanagwa, japan.
downlaod failed.
very disappointed
I don't see your IP address in the error log, what pool is it having problem for you?

Can you try it again?
Checkmate said:
I don't see your IP address in the error log, what pool is it having problem for you?

Can you try it again?
Pool: Karomix (Karory) - EX Art
Try again now.
